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Any Twin Peaks fans?

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  • Any Twin Peaks fans?

    I love this show, but I don't know why. I can't tell what the hell is going on. What is up with the midget dancing around on the floor and speaking...Russian? That is my favorite episode, but I don't know why. Does anyone follow the plot? Is there a plot?


  • #2
    There's a plot. Well, there's like 50 going on all at once. It is a David Lynch series after all...............


    • #3
      I watched it all day yesterday. Evidently there are a few episodes with the dancing midget, and everyone is speaking in sound clips played backwards. I still have no idea what this scene is about, but some reason, I just can't take my eyes off of it. The one about the woman locking herself to the vault in the empty bank was just precious. I wonder if this series is out on DVD.


      • #4
        If you are watching the original series then yes it's outon dvd......i admit i own it......


        • #5
          I bought the gold edition. Can't wait for it to arrive. Do you have American Gothic? That's next on my list.


          • #6
            Got it today. The gold edition, and Fire Walk With Me. Fire Walk says that it is a prequel, which, I guess, means that I'm supposed to watch it first. For some reason, I also received a book on how to poison people, about a thousand different ways, and all of the antidotes. I think I'm gonna keep it.

