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trying to pass new covenants

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  • trying to pass new covenants

    so they're trying to pass new covenants in the neighborhood this week to prevent me from parking the hearse at the house, even for a weekend.

    anyone up for a parade/park-in protest/afternoon fishing if this passes?

  • #2
    Load of crap.
    Do you own your home or rent? If there was nothing in the subdivision's covenants when you moved in, there is nothing that can be done now. You are grandfathered in.
    I keep hearing these stories about this sort of thing and I look forward to the day it happens to me. Keep your cars running, registered and insured and there is nothing anyone can do about it, period.


    • #3
      that just sucks
      tell them if they think they will get there way go get a 100.00 junker and put stickers all over it and drive it around the block nonstop


      • #4
        What neighborhood is it Ryan? I'll come through with some Slayer and hangout.


        • #5
          lakeshore estates on 138 a bit south of HD Atha


          • #6
            Maybe some of us can cruise by soon.


            • #7
              Lets suit up and GO!!!!
              You are only like a few miles away from us anyway aren't you?


              • #8
                Originally posted by StrayCat View Post
                Lets suit up and GO!!!!
                You are only like a few miles away from us anyway aren't you?
                pretty much.

                their last meeting is tonight i believe, let's wait to see if it passes.


                • #9
                  Double D is absolutely right, even if it passes you can't make rules, laws, etc. retroactive so even if they do it it won't affect you. Well they can't LEGALLY make it retroactive anyway, of course singling out your car which is tagged and running is harrassment/discrimination so either way you would probably have a pretty good legal case if they try to enforce it on you.


                  • #10
                    In Gwinnett county, it doesn't evfen have to be running, as a matter of fact, you could have the WHOLE thing dismantled or rusted, or have 4 flat tires, basically, it can be the ugliest thing in the world, but i=so long as it has current tag and insurance, and is on " solid surface within your property" they can't and won't touch it. That was my only problem. I don't have enough " solid surface" in order to keep everything on.


                    • #11
                      I'll come by if I'm off when eveyone goes. I don't care how far away it is.

