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    Alrighty guys,

    Here it is...I just started working on Hearse Con 2007. This is going to be THE big meet for the Denver Hearse Association. I am personally bringing not 1, not 2, but EVERY FUCKING HEARSE I own to this thing (don't ask how yet&#33 and I want to see EVERYONE here at this thing.

    It will be in early May either the weekend of the 5th or the 12th and will have live music, performers, awards, a swap meet AND a light and sound show (which is where if you have a siren or emergency lights you can blast them for about 5 minutes and deafen EVERYONE)

    It's going to be a great time and will really help put the club on the map as well. Here is what I need from all of you though...

    Participation - I need to know who will be there and IF you have more than one hearse I would appreciate you bringing it so we can really represent.

    Input - As it stands now it is going to be a one day car show. This is the kind of event though that could explode and become a big national/annual event with people coming from outside of Colorado at some point in the future. So what I want to know is, are you all only up for a one day deal right now, or would you be interested in an expanded event where the car show is on Saturday and we do some sort of cruise or event on Friday night to kick it all off?

    Volunteers - Something this big takes people, both the day of the event as well as people willing to donate time before hand to make it happen.

    Talk to me...

  • #2
    Sounds awesome. I just checked airfares and they're cheap - as in cheap enough that I might book a flight just to go to this kickass event! If you have a date nailed down and posted, I'll keep my eye on the fares.


    • #3
      I am most likely thinking Saturday May 12th and some sort of get together the night before as well.


      • #4
        That would be cool for us to come out to for the weekend, but at the moment our house is up for sale so I can't commit to anything. It would be our luck we would have to move that weekend.

        If I can help with anything from here (GA) let me know.



        • #5
          Alrighty, here it is...

          The confirmed date is Saturday May 12th. I was going to do the 5th until Amber pointed out that is the weekend of Cinco De Mayo, which wouldn't be a big problem, but Denver police love to try to dissuade cruising that weekend by closing all the damned on and off ramps on the highway, which would make getting to the meet a nightmare for anyone trying to get here by the highway.

          Friday night we will have a hearse cruise. I am going to see what people think of this before I commit to it, but I can get either Ghostbusters or Harold and Maude showing as a private engagement (just hearse club peeps) on the big screen. This is something I will do Friday but only if there is decent interest in it.

          Early saturday we can either do a tour of a local cemetery (we have connections in both Fairmont and Riverside) or we can hit the Forney Transportation museum.

          The car show itself will begin between 3:00 and 4:00 PM Saturday. The reason for the slightly later start is that I have never understood car shows in blazing heat and blaring light. This will be a nice twilight affair, especially considering that we will have fire performers, dancers and the Code 3 siren and light show.


          • #6
            Ok well i can make it, but had an idea. Instead of everyone going to a movie, we could set up our own drive in theater.


            • #7
              Looks like I can make it saturday the 12th - I have two hearses (well 1 and a half right now) but hopefully two by then.

              Phantasm has a cool hearse too - just a thought

              Either way - sounds fun count me in.


              • #8
                The drive in idea might actually work really well. I will check into what AV equipment we would need, it might also be more cost effective as well!

                Thanks for the feedback guys and gals!


                • #9
                  I think it would be awesome.


                  • #10
                    I can see the projector not being a big deal - just play a DVD on a laptop and get a projector to display the image onto something.
                    Those projectors can be rented for office meeting and such - so id imagine we could get one cheap.

                    As for the sound I have a spare receiver and two 12" marantz that I hooked up to my laptop for christmas and blasted some TSO to my sweet ass syncronized light display.

                    Else we could get a cheesy AM/FM transmitter and broadcast the sound- again easily done - only not all of us have radios in our cars. We'd hafta bring portable ones.

                    I also have a gas generator - kinda loud but we could tuck it away

                    Anyway just some ideas.

                    Either way- going to a movie would be fun too.



                    • #11
                      I am heading by Scary's tonight to see if their back wall is generous enough to act as a screen, if so that projector idea is golden.

                      If any of you have AV connections or know someone in the business, let me know. Basically I called one place already and they wanted $400 to rent a projector! Damn! The thing is, we are going to need a projector rated at a bare minimum of 4,000 lumins in order to work outside and at the appropriate distance.

                      Aside from that, I have planned a three day event here. I am going to post the itinerary soon, and I guarantee you, this is going to be a BLAST!



                      • #12
                        Sounds like a blast. I'll make sure to get my hearse roadworthy and get the time off work. Let me know what kind of volunteers you need.


                        • #13
                          i would like to come but my car has no front seat right now


                          • #14
                            Call the opera shop and see what they have to rent. Also I can do a fire performance when the belly dancer does her thing.


                            • #15
                              i know i'm not like in the DHA or anything, but if you want to do it like a professional convention in the future, it would be good to have different classes or "tracks" during the day.

                              so you could maybe have one about basic mechanical troubleshooting and repair, one on car audio, one on painting and bodywork, or things like history of funeral coaches, what to look for when buying a hearse, or you know things like that.

                              then at night there could be MAYHEM.

