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Ex-Husband's crap for sale

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  • Ex-Husband's crap for sale

    When Stephen relocated to NOLA, he left behind -

    A 2002 PT Cruiser, 5-speed manual with 65k miles
    A 2000 Ford F250 Super Duty Turbo Diesil pickup with over 175K miles
    A 2003 Toyhauler RV Trailer that sleeps four. Has kitchen and bathroom.

    I have the titles for the Cruiser and the Toyhauler, and am still waiting for the title to the truck. I have Power of Attorney for all of them. These are located in Denver.

    Let me know if you are interested in any of them, and I'll post pictures and more thorough descriptions.

    I also have a couple of guns that he left behind - These are old-west style revolvers in case anyone is into SASS.

  • #2
    I'm sorry to ask, but what is NOLA?


    • #3
      Originally posted by BIGEVIL View Post
      I'm sorry to ask, but what is NOLA?
      Sorry. It's New Orleans, Louisiana.


      • #4
        Pics of the guns if cool, also check with your laws or I will. The guns will need to be shipped to an FFL Federal Firearms License holder if I were to purchase any. I use Virginia Arms in Mannassas VA. The thing I don't know is if you can just ship them or in CO if you have to have an FFL in CO ship to my FFL.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Tweek's Turbos View Post
          Pics of the guns if cool, also check with your laws or I will. The guns will need to be shipped to an FFL Federal Firearms License holder if I were to purchase any. I use Virginia Arms in Mannassas VA. The thing I don't know is if you can just ship them or in CO if you have to have an FFL in CO ship to my FFL.
          Sorry for the delay - I am trying to get in touch with my black powder guy for some answers, but it's the holidays.
          I also need to get him to unload the really fancy gun. I don't have the tools to drill out the remaining charges, and I don't trust Stephen's loading skills enough to just fire it.

          Both of the long barreled guns are .44 caliber and take percussion caps. I think I know what the black one is, but I'll wait to talk to my guy before telling you the wrong thing. I'm a flintlock and hotmatch sort of girl myself, so these are a bit modern for me to know much about them.
          Attached Files
          Last edited by TWHawk; 12-29-2008, 09:54 PM.


          • #6
            I also need to get him to unload the really fancy gun. I don't have the tools to drill out the remaining charges, and I don't trust Stephen's loading skills enough to just fire it.
            Can you remove the cylinder and take them out with a wooden drift after you pull the caps off? I'm sorry, I didn't look at the pictures, but you're right...don't ever fire a weapon that may have a round stuck or incorrectly loaded in the chamber. He may have used too much patch, wrong caliber or whatever.

            I used to own a .50 caliber 10" hex-barrel with some beautiful engraving on it...I gave it to a special friend as a gift, and he traded it for an old camper shell the next day. Needless to say, he wasn't a friend after all. It's funny how I can judge people pretty well when I first meet them, and then end up doing a crappy job of choosing friends.

            Black powder guns used to be exempt from many of the federal regulations, but you might want to double-check that, or talk your deal on voice land lines before you ship.



            • #7
              Originally posted by Morella View Post
              Can you remove the cylinder and take them out with a wooden drift after you pull the caps off?

              That's exactly what he did.

              Then he bought the lot of them, so they are no longer available. I didn't bother asking about the laws at that point, I just ran off to pay my public service bill and buy food.

              Yeesh this year has sucked.


              • #8

                That's exactly what he did.

                Then he bought the lot of them, so they are no longer available. I didn't bother asking about the laws at that point, I just ran off to pay my public service bill and buy food.

                Yeesh this year has sucked.
                Because you're looking at it as "this year" and not "life" in general, I'm betting on you. You still have faith that things will get better. All you need is a plan for the future, and to hang on until it comes together. I had to ask for help from my family last year (at age 45), but it got me through. Sometimes we do what we have to. What's sad is to see someone doing something they don't want to to get by without knowing where they're headed.

                I wish you the best. If you ever want to talk, send me a PM. I've had to start life over a few times. Maybe I could help. I'm married now, and there is no possible way that I could get divorced, even if I wanted to. He carries our health insurance, and my prescriptions would be $1500 a month without it. The honeymoon period was over long ago, but at least we don't argue or fight. We started up a little transportation company. He's always out driving a truck, and I do the books and handle the aircraft rental side of the business. Maybe we stay together because we always have something to talk about.

                In my opinion, if you have a home and you're not in pain, you're doing pretty well, at least for the moment. As long as you're on track with your future plans, there isn't any point in worrying about the bad things that can or do happen. Right now, I owe the IRS $3200 plus interest and penalties from 2006, but my biggest worry is that my season 4 of Battlestar Galactica won't show up in the UPS tomorrow, or I won't be able to put the back end of my Chrysler back together without my spine filling up with fluid. Feet are good...feet and cheater bars. Neighbors are handy too, but most of mine think that I'm a witch, so they avoid me. They're very superstitious.

                I think I can afford to pay the IRS, and they may owe me even more from 2007, when I became disabled, but if they demand the money right away, I'll put it on a credit card and sell my 04 Mercury to pay that off. I don't run up high-interest debt, and it will give me an excuse to get rid of that car! I hate it, but Tony has a boner for it. haha

       much as I like to ramble, working on the computer for more than a few minutes or so gives me an awful headache. Time to fold it up. I hope I haven't bored everybody too much, but you can always ignore me.



                • #9
                  Thank you, Denise.
                  You are absolutely right. This last year, and truth be told the couple preceeding years have been rough, but I am happy with life. This is my second time starting over, having lost my husband and home. The silver lining is the unique opportunity to redefine my path.

                  My beautiful two-story Victorian house sits vacant, my credit rating has been destroyed, my retirement savings and stocks are gone and the crack smoking bastard behind it all sits in New Orleans refusing to cooperate with the divorce proceedings.

                  Still, I wake up with a smile. I have new goals, a clear road ahead, great friends, passable health and a kick-ass hearse. I am blessed, and nobody can convince me otherwise.

                  ps - The PT Cruiser is sold.


                  • #10
                    How much do you want for that cutie and the hearse she is standing next to? lol


                    • #11
                      come on over a crash at my house...we need more hearse types here to fend off those stupid loud assed chainsaw powered mini cars that seem to think they can fit between me the mack truck heading head on. the last three times I didn't budge and they saw the light and got the hell out of my lane.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by TWHawk View Post
                        Thank you, Denise.
                        You are absolutely right. This last year, and truth be told the couple preceeding years have been rough, but I am happy with life. This is my second time starting over, having lost my husband and home. The silver lining is the unique opportunity to redefine my path.
                        Well good luck with that and I hope that my travels or yours enable me to meet you and see that amazing coach!

                        I am OOGLING over the pistols so please keep me in the loop on the pricing.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Xanthus View Post
                          I am OOGLING over the pistols so please keep me in the loop on the pricing.

                          See post #7.


                          • #14
                            oops sorry, missed that one.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Bob Kinee View Post
                              How much do you want for that cutie and the hearse she is standing next to? lol
                              I second that lol.

