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FS: *MASSIVE* hearse-ambulance-combination parts list

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  • #31
    Attila, if U are so concerned, why don't U just make it right, either send me the glass U first offered me or refund my money and I'll send this back, U could send me those Emblems for my shipping losses or something, If U sold the same glass to 2 Different people or something, That could be understood, I gave U the money, now I want the merchandise. That was the deal.

    All the rest is just irrelevant BS


    • #32


      • #33
        What part of blacklisted perplexes you exactly..?

        Not only is this 'right' by me - but every person I asked advice from in the hobby (AND PayPal) along the process to make certain I was doing the correct thing. As stated in email, you're part of the problem - not part of the solution. Matters not what course of action would be taken once you unintelligently, repeatedly spouted off publicly unwarranted. Once that happened, your impatience proved beyond a reasonable doubt that you will always continue being a problem.

        I will bend over backwards helping others with their coaches that are genuine and appreciative. Others can validate this. I have been busting my ass in this hobby for a number of years to keep naysayers at bay. (Why do you think I drove 6 hours round trip not once but twice in an 8 day period to the junkyard to grab other parts needed for your '62???) Think I'm going to do that for a person who repeatedly lies and takes advantage? Think again! Passion for these coaches drives me. 90% of the time I don't make money after figuring gas and time in. Those benefits aren't deserving of someone with your ilk.

        You are the *sole* issue in this transaction Ross, assuredly. You received glass paid for as advertised and stated. Since simple math also confuses you: $290 glass as in ad + $15 bubble wrap @ Walmart + $20 packing peanuts from Craigslist = $325, precisely what you paid. You weren't charged for boxes, nor a handling charge for the 1/2 hour it took to pack them. Your UPS account was provided from the get go (well, after your second PayPal 'installment' from a second PayPal address even though your claim of making over $18k in parts sales the previous month) because that is what you wanted. You also weren't charged for the '62 Superior jump seats repeatedly wanted that are BOXED ready to ship (that you received pics of). You weren't charged for the 2 Pontiac commercial chassis wheels that I bought just for you either.

        You received a deal on glass that is 50 years old. You didn't pay top price. If you don't like it, head down to Walmart and purchase another set. I will not forward Russ' corner glass that is still here, nor make a third 6 hour round trip to purchase another set to appease you, nor raise a finger until the alleged chipped piece of glass you have is back in my hands the way it left without further damage (as PayPal advised) - especially knowing how anal retentive you operate in EVERYTHING you do. Although this is just a hobby on this end, not a business like you operate, no merchandise leaves without a friggin' return. Simple equation that you have YET to understand - although every 'business' operates the same way. 3 easy terms were laid out via email to replace that glass that you once again unintellgently decided to ignore, thinking berating me publicly is the way to go. Your choice and issue entirely.

        The emblems were going to be free after you purchased the jump seats and returned the alleged chipped piece of glass to help you offset that shipping charge. And that offer wasn't even something I needed to do. You blew it. When you're at Walmart picking up another set of corner glass, make sure these are on your list too.

        Best-o-luck with that '62 of yours.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Atti View Post
          . You received glass paid for as advertised and stated.
          Yawn............ So where is that Glass Attila? This pair:

          "Here is the glass originally offered Photo from seller 9/27/2011 "

          Nearly flawless, as described on the phone

          As for the other stuff U have, I will be pleased to pay U for it, as soon as U send me the glass I bought.


          • #35
            No grounds; no merit Ross. That picture was supplied for your to verify that '61-'62 Superior Cadillac glass was the same used on Pontiac as you were weary. You also specified that you were not interested in those because of the radial dirt mark on upper corner as shown, claiming it was delamination or scratched. So SAVE it.


            Something else I have sitting here collecting dust is this set of Miller Meteor jump seats, purchased specifically for NHAA member cupcake who has gone MIA. They're out of a '68 ('65-'70 same; will fit later; very close to '63-'64 style as well). Upholstery is in decent shape, only a side of a base has a tear. Piano type hinges for mounting need replaced. Both the handle and the matching portion on partition seat are gone. I do not have spares of those. Do have an extra spare partition hook which I believe is correct MM. Price to cupcake is still $175 for seats and moldings, now $160 to anyone else. $35 additional for partition hook.

            Most of the moldings fit in box. Long molding ships separately in cardboard tube. Already had shipping quote for $80.35 (box of seats) via Greyhound for cupcake, so main box non-inclusive of tube should not be more than that. Packing peanuts will fill available space. (Partition hook shown balanced on seat rail below.)

            These were PIA parts I wouldn't have otherwise purchased if cupcake wasn't adamant about needing them. Look what had to be removed from wreck before getting to rear seat.


            • #36
              Will the BS never stop, sign of a good con, the artiest will NEVER admit wrong doing
              Here is the eMail from Attila with full headers:

     Ponchos -Glass.eml

              Wanted to buy:

              Glass for 1962 Superior Hearse/Ambulance, as pictured above, Must be in Mint condition or polish-able to mint condition. can come off many models of hearse Ambulance, Pontiac Cadillac, Buick Oldsmobile to name a few, I am pleased to pay $300-$350 as I paid Attila, but I need a Guaranteed satisfaction guaranteed.

              Also Wanted a matching set of Jump seats, Matching to my Pontiac, upholstery not withstanding, Can come from nearly any '60's to early '70's Superior Price on condition and match, level of complete, I am pleased to pay a fair price.

              Also, Wanted Brakes Drums and wheels, Pontiac Commercial Hearse, Limousine, Ambulance, Happy with $300 or so, More for perfection and less if broken fins incomplete. Example of a wheel and front brake drum attached

              Immediate payment with PayPal, Request immediate shipment, please no more games.
              Attached Files


              • #37
                Listen up ignoramus:

                You have 13 posts here. ALL 13 posts are in MY parts for sale thread. You do not contribute to the forum. You're ONLY here to keep stirring the pot. Others see your consistent stupidity Ross. The more you post on my thread, the more you validate as such.

                Action and reaction. I will keep explaining myself when YOU post in MY thread. I no longer give a shit what parts you need - as stated - threadjacker. Get your own fucking wanted thread and see if *anyone* replies.

                Thanks for making me inadvertently look good AGAIN btw. That email not only validates exactly what I had said by showing you that the corner glass is the same, but that I told you on 9/27 to put a hold on the PayPal back THEN to stop your incessant bitching. Plus that isn't the full email as it has been abbreviated and you removed the second picture. Your response:

                "Look like very nice boxes, I will like to offer U more trust then placing a hold on PayPal, I will however like to see that glass in my Greedy hands soonest :-)

                Strange markings in the upper right of the one on the left. looks like a delamination, unwanted"

                All you do is lie Ross. Piss off and take that '62 with 'ya. Try grasping English better on the way out.


                • #38
                  BTW - if anybody was wondering why I leave threads like this intact - I tend to look for threads like this when I'm going to buy something from somebody or I'm going to scour the internet in search of the credibility of either the seller or the buyer depending. This is how real reputation on the internet is created.

                  I wonder if there is an upvote system for vbulletin... hmmm.


                  • #39
                    Bravo Bravo, I guess my follow up is like the eBay Feedback system, Attila, in case U weren't sure, this is a definite RED NEGATIVE feedback, it belongs here, in your thread, it is related and not as U say "threadjacker"

                    My compliments to for allowing my negative comments to remain, unlike another professional car forum where they delete any negative comments in hopes of somehow making their forum and members look more, um professional..

                    Not only is this practice totally inappropriate as pointed out by Psychoholic but I feel they have exposed themselves to a contingent liability in deleting negative feedback on sellers, they are eventually going to find themselves responsible for somebody's losses.

                    Keep up the good work nationalhearse, I for one am glad U are here and remain.


                    • #40
                      Attila, in case U weren't sure, this is a definite RED NEGATIVE feedback,
                      I guess that all depends on who is reading it. I just read the whole thread and Atti looks pretty legit from my view.
                      I have never bought anything from him personally, but You seem to be the only one complaining and you sound like another Ricardo to me.
                      I have no doubt that if the buyer is straight forward in their end of the transaction then they WILL get what they pay for from Atti.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by LMS View Post
                        I guess that all depends on who is reading it. I just read the whole thread and Atti looks pretty legit from my view.
                        Well, I have to admit, sometimes it seems my communication skills are not what they were when I was younger and more articulate, perhaps I left unsaid some of the bits which I thought were clear to any and all readers, at the risk of repeating myself, I want to make this clear, it is important to me to be understood on the issue, I buy allot of stuff on the internet, Craigslist and forums and of course, eBay, I generally have pretty good luck and understand what it means to deal with 50 year old parts and peoples as well.

                        Please take note of the dates here, first, I paid Attila on 9/22/2011, it was a full 14 days before I made my PayPal claim as Attila had not shipped this glass, Still I waited 2 more days before I asked PayPal to get me my money back 10/8/2011 and finally on 10/10 after threats of law suits and Payment reversals and a little bit of persuasion from friends to actually get Attila to actually ship something, 18 days of constant pressure.

                        There is much more then just the dates, the phone calls, the broken promises, the false references, but it seems to me that only the above is sufficient grounds for a negative.

                        I guess with all the pressure it is sort of natural that somebody, perhaps especially Attila would switch to a lesser quality part and he did, in fact, the part he changed to is in much worse condition then the part I was trying to replace. See the photos above, U can see the original offering and as well the final result. Perhaps if I had had more patience I would have received what I bargained for, but in my experience an item of substantial value should be shipped within 24 hours, maybe 48 hours tops, it was my understanding, he would do just that.

                        My Impatience was compounded by Attila Bethlenfalvy reputation on the internet, just put his name in google and see what comes up, then perhaps U can see what scared me a little, Websites dedicated to revenging his little scams, the HAMB bad sellers list, "Atti Bethlenfalvy : CON MAN", Law suits, A forum about Neon which appears dedicated now to people who have lost their money to him. reference to several eBays used by Attila, now suspended all

                        I have no idea who this Ricardo guy is, I'm sorry, I cannot comment. The fact is, I'm out some $400 and I am still angry about it, I think Attila should send me my Glass and those emblems as originally agreed so I can put my car together. Any suggestions to that end would be very welcome.


                        • #42
                          All of your emails and PayPal shenanigans have been forwarded to my legal counsel as background for the continued libelous material (which has also now been forwarded and saved) you propagate. He's confident that all four burdens of proof have already legally been met.

                          Only a fool believes everything on the internet Ross. Takes a larger one still to unilaterally spread those lies. Glad that you bragged about how much you own (and sell) privately. Please keep your public tactics up.


                          • #43
                            I could write a long post from my side but why bother I just be wrong anyway Im sure. You call me about trivial crap but dont callback with a total. And in the mean time someone sends me this link I think I will share for everyone.

