Only about my 3rd or 4th woodworking project ever. The back bar is made of a mirror-backed dresser I got at the thrift store on the cheap and shelved out. You can't see them, but the drawers are still on the bottom section to hold coasters, napkins, and whatever other bar supplies. I got the casket handles off ebay for like $25 plus shipping and modified them so they fit together and make one long footrail. Nina got me a kickass mini fridge for my B-day last year that fits underneath perfectly. Anybody that feels like rebuilding a 1974 MM is welcome to come by for a cock tale or two. Did I spell that right? No? Fuck you then. Get your own damn beer.
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Seeing that some of the parts came from the thrift shop, did you save me an 8-track player with a tape of Slim Whitman's Greatest Hits stuck in it?
Well, it's not like anybody could sneak by that section without taking a look...and the tape player might accidentally conveniently fall into the drawer of a mirror-backed dresser. And if you didn't get them to throw in a broken digital flip-flop alarm clock and a princess dial phone, you just weren't trying.
Seriously, I absolutely love it, but my guess is that you don't live anywhere near Tucson...because nobody does...