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Total loser

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  • Total loser

    This guy is a super dork loser!

  • #2
    I feel like I can't make fun of people like that anymore....


    • #3
      Dressing like a ghostbusters team member is no where near the level dorkness that this guy has achived.


      • #4
        ha ha thanks!

        but you haven't seen my Star Wars Mandalorian armor ;-)


        • #5
          I think the saddest part is that LMS is actively searching out stuff like this!


          • #6
            i was unable to change my facial expression for the duration of this video. it concerns me that he was out on the streets and able to do a video like this. i need my guns.................


            • #7
              Is he cooler than this guy?


              • #8
                Rafaels's mask with Michaelangelo's weapon. He is only a poser dork.


                • #9
                  Stephen Hawking's ride has been PIMPED, yo!


                  • #10
                    WTF!!??!! that is a paintball gun air tank on the side of the Tie fighter wheelchair.


                    • #11
                      I still don't know what the BFD about the Ninja Turtles is. I always thought it was a weak premise, and live action? Gahhhh.

                      But come on, give it up for tie fighter dude! I mean, first off, I hate when people get all fussy about what was used to make a costume. No offense to you LMS, but costumes are just that, close approximations made out of whatever you have lying around.

                      Also, I gotta hand it to him, he sure as hell made the best out of a bad situation. Wheelchair bound? Yes. Awesome enough to make it into a tie fighter? HELL YES!


                      • #12
                        But come on, give it up for tie fighter dude! I mean, first off, I hate when people get all fussy about what was used to make a costume. No offense to you LMS, but costumes are just that, close approximations made out of whatever you have lying around.
                        Don't get me wrong on that one, if I were chair bound I would be decorating it up as well.
                        I was "wtf 'ing" about why a wheel chair needs a nitrogen tank on the side of it????

                        But as for the Ninja turtle guy..... come on! What kinda fool paints himself green and runs around the nieghborhood wearing only a mask and a green jock strap?


                        • #13
                          Maybe his fighter shoots paintballs. He had a pretty thick left calf too.


                          • #14
                            Yeah, it appeared to be hooked up to SOMETHING, so who knows.

                            Agreed on mutant ninja guy though...That's the sort of thing you end up on an episode of COPS for!

