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One more from Wal-Mart...

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  • One more from Wal-Mart...

    In my hunt for more white Matchbox Hearses, I ran onto this in a nearby Wal-Mart, up front by the doors -- first one of these I've seen.

    "Momma, momma, momma, gimme some quarters, momma, momma, c'mon, where's the quarters??"
    Attached Files

  • #2

    Wow, I want, BADLY.


    May I ask a favor? Next time you are there can you look at it closely and see if there is any manufacturing info on it? I WILL have one of those, that is just too fucking cool. Thank you for posting it.


    • #3
      Aha, Manufacturer info, now THAT is an idea! I had seriously considered sticking a note to the underside of it with something like "Dear Vending Machine Guy, please call me when you want to sell this one..."

      I'll be sure to get a closer look at it next time we're over that direction, surely there's a nameplate on it somewhere -- I'll take my "real camera" next time instead of my cell phone. .

      I thought it was just the coolest thing, and I could totally see sandin' it down and sprayin' some black paint on it.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Sperry Chick View Post
        and I could totally see sandin' it down and sprayin' some black paint on it.
        Had that same idea the second I saw the pic...Let us know when you find the manufacturer.

