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Jumping a 1960 Buick hearse.

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  • Jumping a 1960 Buick hearse.

    If you were hoping to see a hearse mid air sorry to dissapoint. I am big with the RC shit and I heavily modified a Losi Micro T to jump and here is the best pic of the bunch. The ramp is about 3 feet from the front of the car and the Micro T was all all aluminum with brushless and lipo power before it was available. I think I had 5 hundred dollars in that little bastard. We used to race them in the warehouse at work. The bastard was about as custom built as they come but rediculous fast for its size. I wish I still had it but it was in a car that was stolen a few years back.

    This thing is tiny you have to look close.

    This is how big they are.

  • #2
    I never did take any pictures of my emaxx jumping my hearse. I used to break suspension parts all the time. I'd jump that sumbich at least 10-12 feet in the air. usually broke something trying to land a backflip. Damn i need some batteries. Time to save my pennies. those batteries are esspeenseeve.


    • #3
      I have a T maxx and a Wheelie King which I jump shit with but not a hearse. Fuck up and a 9 pound truck just went through the windshield! I need to dig them both out this summer.


      • #4
        I think I had 5 hundred dollars in that little bastard
        Just a thought,

        Put that kind of $$$ in to the hearse instead and get that bad boy back on the road !

