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Still pissed.

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  • Still pissed.

    At 3a.m. this morning, I was awoke to the sound of my hearse trying to start in the dark. I ran outside. The car thief did not see me coming so I hopped in the open driver's side door and trapped him in the car. He pulled a knife on me. I decided to let him get out to avoid getting stabbed. He took a swipe at me with the knife (missed me) and ran off. Fucking little shit. If there is any hope, the car JUST came back from the paint shop and had NO fingerprints on it... except his. Cops dusted for prints. He left his tool kit, a baseball cap, the knife he tried to stab me with... AND A HUGE MESS WHERE MY IGNITION SWITCH USED TO BE.

    I'm homicidal angry and just had to vent.

  • #2
    That's crazy. Hope they get the little bastard.
    Last edited by Creepy Cruiser; 11-14-2012, 09:18 PM.


    • #3
      That freaking sucks... Man, nothing pisses me off more then some one that fucks with another mans car... That is stooped anyway... Seriousy lets steal a car that sticks out from a mile a way... Stooped stooped stooped.
      Last edited by mr x; 11-14-2012, 03:11 PM.


      • #4
        You hopped in without grabbing a weapon yourself? Brave man.

        If cops put any effort whatsoever given what was left behind, they'll get him. Sorry to hear about the damage.


        • #5
          The little creep had better hope that the law catches him first. People have been known to go AWOL in my neck of the woods for attempting much less. Hope all goes well.


          • #6
            I woke from a dead sleep and didn't think to grab something. I wish I would have. If there was no knife, I could have taken him in a second or two, I have about 120 pounds and 5 inches on him. Since we were face to face, I can definitely identify him if I see him again. I wonder how how far this ass thought he was gonna get in an inconspicous car like a 2.5ton dead sled.


            • #7
              Good to hear you didn't get stabbed or your car stolen. Would be a bad day for someone trying that at our house, I sleep with 2 hand guns in the bed side table. I would have held them at gun point till the cops arrived hoping he tried to stab at me with the knife.
              Of course my hearse sleeps inside so to steal mine he would have already broken into the house.


              • #8
                Holy shit dude! Glad you didn't get stabbed.

                Hope like hell they find the bastard.


                • #9
                  what was the look on his face when you got in the car? musta been priceless! cali sure does suck for crime! glad the moron didnt get it. would have been fun to capture him for your own little sick torture fun for a couple weeks in your basement.


                  • #10
                    Different fella came back on Friday night (Saturday morning technically). He stole the car cover, my neighbor tried to chase him down but the dude was fast. I'm tired of this.

                    Don't move to Fresno, it sucks here... and not in a good way.


                    • #11
                      Give me a shout if you'd like the Podunk Mafia to look into this. Man...I feel for ya, sounds a little like Miami all over again out there.


                      • #12
                        was the car cover that nice?


                        • #13
                          Check pawn shops


                          • #14
                            Sounds like blood boiling to say the least... Glad you still have your Hearse and no extra holes in your body.


                            • #15
                              Did he brake in or was the car unlocked? This is why I have my Mosin next to the bed. Can you describe the guy at all?

