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A serious question for all pro-gun folk here.

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  • #16
    If you want to get a tax revolt started lay out your plan. I am all ears.
    I wish we could get the fair tax.


    • #17
      a georgia sherrif signed onto the "revolt"
      Seems to be catching on across the country, awesome!


      • #18
        Originally posted by LMS View Post
        If you want to get a tax revolt started lay out your plan. I am all ears.
        I wish we could get the fair tax.
        I would settle for going back to using tariffs to fund the federal government. No income taxes. Buy something made in the US, no tax. Buy something made outside the US? Tax is built into the price making it higher [because of the tariff].

        Worked fine for over a hundred years. Even after the income tax was started, the government was funded mostly through protectionist policies for decades.

        [Un]fair trade, OTOH, forces American workers to compete globally head-to-head against whoever will do the same job for the least amount of money, like some Chinese prisoner, African children, starving haitians, etc. & shifts the burden of how the government is funded to things like income taxes.

        While we're talking economics; two fed chairmans in a row have said that the fed intentionally tries to keep unemployment higher than the market would otherwise be creating in order to drive down wages & make American goods more competitive globally. This runs contrary to the charter that established the fed, with the goal of keeping inflation & unemployment low [in that order].

        Race to the bottom? Sure looks like it.


        • #19
          i am all for free trade and open markets, but i would be willing to pay more for consumer electronics and other imported items if that meant less or no income taxes.


          • #20
            interesting article about this very topic:

            FIGHTIN’ WORDS: Self-declared gun nut John Noto protests in Albany over the weekend, as many gun lovers planned to defy a new law to register weapons. ( )Assault-rifle owners statewide are organizi…


            • #21
              Originally posted by LMS View Post
              If you want to get a tax revolt started lay out your plan. I am all ears.
              I wish we could get the fair tax.
              I don't want to get a tax revolt started. I like the system well enough to keep supporting it with regular payments the same as you.

              Moving a bit off tangent, and ignoring the fact that I do believe income/sales taxes are fundamentally evil, I do not believe the fair tax outlined in your referenced link is actually fair or ideal. As a private individual I started out earning almost nothing. When I was earning this meager salary, I paid almost nothing in taxes. That allowed me to focus more of my efforts towards purchasing goods and services that would help me make more of myself and hopefully start earning more as well. Fast forward 15 years and I'm earning a little over $40 an hour as opposed to the $4.25 an hour where I started. I'm ok with paying more of a percentage in taxes of these greater earnings because those who came before me were paying a greater percentage of their higher earnings to afford me enough of a shelter that I could focus on bettering myself as well as I did.

              From a free market investment perspective; a graduated system makes the most sense because the society does not take very much from the initial principle (worker starting out) and allows it to mature more quickly to reap a greater return on the investment. I don't believe anyone can honestly claim they are a success in a vacuum so I think there is a very real social responsibility from each of us to everyone else in this regard and it is not improper to look at our professional selves as investments within our current free market society.
              Last edited by Dickey; 01-21-2013, 05:36 PM.


              • #22
                Graduated is fine. I'd argue that most are fine until they start to gouge you. If it were more reasonalble you wouldn't have as many tax dodgers or people complaining about it.

                The problem is that reasonable and the government never go together.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Scary Guy View Post
                  Graduated is fine. I'd argue that most are fine until they start to gouge you. If it were more reasonalble you wouldn't have as many tax dodgers or people complaining about it.

                  The problem is that reasonable and the government never go together.
                  There is also the idea that people of privilege feel a sense of entitlement that other people don't quite get. I work in IT and I see people every single day of my life bitch and complain about how little they make (which is TOTAL AND UTTER BULLSHIT), and they develop this 'it's not my responsibility' mentality. And these folks don't even crest the top 5% of earners line. Take your average BMW driver in traffic and think 'this person is expected to contribute a fair percentage of their income'.


                  • #24
                    If they don't contribute then thats fine, they just shouldn't be surprised when the firemen let their houses burn down because they haven't paid for the service. Maybe then they'd learn not to be so cheap.

                    Then again I don't have health insurance because I don't care. Last time I told them I didn't have any money and to just let me die. Now I owe them money that they aren't going to get. Maybe next time they'll listen to me.


                    • #25
                      Our current tax system would not bother me if Gov spending was under control (which it hasn't been in decades) and taxes could be lower across the board.
                      As is stands though the system is fucked on both ends. There are people getting much more back in taxes each year than they even payed into the system, while people on the other end get favors in the way of special tax breaks. Mean while those of us in the middle get the shaft. It's like we are being punished for trying to be successful.
                      That is why I would like either the fair tax that is consumption based or a flat tax system where you pay a set amount depending your bracket with no benefits or deductions and is lower than what we have now.
                      Of course the first thing that has to happen is for the Gov to reign in spending hard core. Seeing as how there has not even been a budget passed since Ofucktard took office (even the first 2 years when Dems controlled everything) I doubt this will happen.


                      • #26
                        this is probably photoshopped, but:


                        • #27
                          another relevant article:


                          • #28
                            Also relevent in my opinion:


                            • #29
                              Looks like the Georgia Sheriffs Association and our local Walton County Sheriff made the list:


                              • #30
                                Gotta love this one.

