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A serious question for all pro-gun folk here.

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  • #46
    Cool. I understand the problem with the NRA they do have a record of compromise ,unlike the GOA that's why I'm in all the groups you listed. I don't want background checks at gun shows, but if they do vote to pass it , don't give it away for free .I want them to add an amendment to remove the Amendment 777 of the H.R. 4332 Firearm Owners' Protection Act (FOPA). it was not passed fairly and stops need parts from class 3 owners .


    • #47
      the good thing is that the NRA seems to have taken a zero tolerance stance lately. hopefully that will remain the case


      • #48
        I have been a member of the NRA for 10 years. I know they have needlessly compromised in the past and that is irritating, but they are on track at the moment.
        The left really hates the NRA too, so that is enough of a reason for me to remain a member now, lol.

        I have recently joined , they have pushed a lot of pro gun stuff through here in Ga.

        As far as gun laws go, we need NO new laws and need to repeal a few that already exist.


        • #49
          Well the other problem is that I don't agree with everything that the right does either. Getting on the NRA's member roster gets you on a few other lists as well from what I've heard.

          I wonder if you can gift anyone a membership though. I'd like to sign Obama and a few of the gun control crowd up for one.

          Its early and I'm tired :/


          • #50
            The NRA's big problem is how they run their public relations. LePeirre really mishandled Newton with the whole "let's put armed guards in all our schools" particularly considering how that reverses so many things he said in the 90s. You saw a similar problem for them after Columbine. Just look at how badly Heston handled Michael Moore's visit to his house. You'd think that, given that mass shootings happen from time to time, they would have had better rehearsed responses & pre-planed counter proposals. I actually think they would have done better in the weeks after Newton had they focused instead on the mental health issue, since everyone seems to agree that this guy wasn't right in the head.


            • #51
              Well there are problems with that as well as in how did he get a hold of guns so easily if that's the case. Then you just restrict everyone you label as "nuts" (and you label everyone as nuts).

              Really the best thing they could do is shut up for about a week or two first off to let people cool down a little (which they did).

              As far as Michael Moron goes, let's be honest he had an agenda and was going to edit that to make them look bad anyway, but I agree they should have handled it much better than they did.

              Its really hard to look like a good guy when everyone makes you out to be the bad guy. Because only bad guys have guns, unless they have a badge, and then they are good guys, right? There is a dark part of me that thinks sheep like that deserve to be slaughtered (hopefully by the "good" cop for extra irony).

              Blame the media on that, unless its Fox, and then blame them still because they're idiots and constantly shoot themselves in the foot on the issue.


              • #52
                Well, with the Newtown shooter, he had tried to buy guns legally. The gun dealer(s) thought the guy looked psychologically disturbed, and refused to sell any to him. He then murdered his own mom so he could steal her guns to use instead.

                So you could make the case that the system worked as it was supposed to. Its not the fault of our gun laws when someone murders someone & then acquires their firearms. The mom trusted the son enough to leave her firearms where he could have access to them, and she paid the price for that mistake. Even if she had her guns well locked up, if he was willing to kill her he could have killed her through another means & then gained access to the guns. What good does locking guns up do if you kill the person who has the key & then use the key to unlock the gun locker?


                • #53
                  For that matter it didn't even have to be her son, could have been anyone breaking in trying to gain access.

                  Don't even need the key or combination. With enough space to work they could just take the safe (possibly cutting it out of the wall if need be) and then break in at their leisure. The sad truth is that nothing is as secure as you think it is. There are ways to mitigate that (armed guards, security systems to alert them and record activity, a moat) but if someone really tries hard enough they can just storm in with a bunch of "friends".


                  • #54

                    pretty disappointed in our senators today. i called both their local and DC offices, as well as sent emails. you georgia folks should so the same.

