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Shameless Plug and Asking for your Vote!

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  • Shameless Plug and Asking for your Vote!

    Hi folks, anyone that has seen my 1983 Cadillac Superior knows that I have it painted to promote my product, Dr. Frybrain's Pumpkin Embalmer. That product is in the running for Walmart's Get On The Shelf competition. Think what you want about Walmart, I'm hoping that all my hearse owning brothers and sisters can help me out, and VOTE for me! You can vote once per day, until September 2. The results of the voting is used by Walmart to determine if a product is added to their web site or even their retail stores. To learn about my product, see photos of my hearse..... and most, just go to and click on the voting link. Thanks!

  • #2
    Very clever stuff!

    When I get home I'll definitely vote for it.


    • #3
      Voted. Good luck!


      • #4
        Tried to vote, but it requires facebook, and i don't do facebook.

        I'll try to figure out another way to vote for you though.


        • #5
          I don't do Facebook either. You can make a fake account, that's what I did.


          • #6
            Yep, did it.

            Love the whole concept and marketing of your product btw.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Creepy Cruiser View Post
              Yep, did it.

              Love the whole concept and marketing of your product btw.
              Thanks. I bought the hearse for marketing the product, but because the product is so unique, most people that see the hearse don't understand that it is a REAL product!


              • #8
                I'd like to thank everyone that has been voting for my Pumpkin Embalmer product in the Walmart Get on the Shelf audition. Unfortunately, there is no way of knowing how many votes it has received so far, and no way of knowing how it is doing compared to the other entries, so it is more important than ever that we make a final push to the finish!

                Please continue to vote today (Saturday), Sunday and Monday (until 8:59pm Pacific time), and please tell all your "minions" to do the same!

                Thank you so much!

