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Our House is "FINALLY" up for Sale!!

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  • Our House is "FINALLY" up for Sale!!

    We finally got the house up on the market.......

    It is so funny all the crap you do and the crap you pack up just to sell your home.

    Now we have the fun of looking for a new place.  Loganville/Monroe here we come!

  • #2
    Best of luck.


    • #3
      hurry honey
      Attached Files


      • #4
        See ya'll out here


        • #5
          Having lived in this area all my life I couldnt hep but say this..."Where's Loganville?" Sorry...I had to say it...

          ( As Matchbox Hearse looks around the room he see's alot of this... )


          • #6


            • #7
              Well, our house is under contract and is scheduled to close on April 30th!!!

              We have a much newer, bigger house under contract also scheduled to close April 30th!

              Will post pictures of the new one later. Most importantly the hearse fits in the garage!


              • #8


                • #9
                  I wish you and David the best of luck with the new place and I hope you have great neighbors.


                  • #10

                    Well we did both closings today so we are offically moving to Monroe this week!!!

                    Now we can take a much needed trip to New Orleans!!


                    • #11
                      You don't know how much you lucked out. It took us a year and $7k to sell my old house. The whole neighborhood had gotten "overrun", and finally the only person we could close the deal with was some kind of federal program where the US bought houses for illegal aliens. You can imagine.

                      On closing day, the realtor told me that the deal couldn't close because a window crank was not installed properly, so I told her just to cancel the whole thing. Replacing that crank was the only thing that our fat-assed "Long Realtor" got up off of her ass to do.

                      When we sell out current house, we won't accept any government programs.



                      • #12
                        We do know how lucky we is a buyers market right now and there are over 105,000 houses for sale in the Metro Atlanta area. Ours went on the market March 15th and we got a contract on it April 15th. We took a little less then the asking price, but we priced it a little higher so that we could drop it and still make out good.

                        I'll say this much though I will NEVER sell and buy a house at the same time again!!! It all worked out, but a the last minute it almost didn't. The people we were buying our new home from had just been through a nasty divorce and 2 days before closing the lawyers discovered a $5,000 IRS lien on the house and the people "thought" they were going to walk away with some extra money to pay off the lien, but found out NOT!!! So we get a call late Saturday afternoon that we "might" not be able to close until they get this IRS thing taken care of. We would still be closing on our old house and STILL have to move.....but to where????

                        We spent a good part of yesterday cleaning the nasty out of the new house. The people didn't like to clean and had pets. We are going to move into the basement for a few weeks while the upstairs is getting painted (this week) and new carpet installed (next week).


                        • #13
                          Congrats guys - after 8 months of dual mortgage payments while our old house was on the market, we had champagne at work after the closing. Felt real good to unload that one.
                          Moving is a bitch, so plan on staying there awhile...


                          • #14

                            We spent a good part of yesterday cleaning the nasty out of the new house. The people didn't like to clean and had pets.
                            We had a house like that when I was 12, and I would have challenged you to a nastiness contest. It was a 4-story Victorian, and the PO had a dog grooming business. She also didn't throw all of her garbage away...for some gawdawful, psychotic, self-abusive reason, she carried quite a bit of it up the stairs to the attic (which was the full fourth floor of the house) and dumped it there. The stuff was piled three feet high, there was food in it, and mice all over the place.

                            This place had been soooooo nice at one time. It had a dumbwaiter, servants' stairs, fireplaces, sliding dining room doors with stained glass windows, a huge serving window with all of the drawers and cabinets for silver inside the dining room underneath it, a barn in the back for the coach and horses, a steam radiator system converted from coal to its day, it was like a Southern plantation house, but some people just have to frack things up. They even painted the windows and dumbwaiter shut. The laundry chute was still there though, and it went all the way to a pile of clothes in the basement. We used to throw the cat down it and listen to the claws screech on the way down. Then that wasn't enough, so we put our little brother down the laundry chute. Gawd, I'm surprised we didn't get him stuck or break his leg. That was about a 25' fall.

                            The mice, we had to get with a cat and traps. There were too many there to bait. We would never have gotten the smell out. We had to clean that whole 4th floor out, but once we got it done, we had that huge, open area with a tower in the corner, just to play around in.

                            The carpet downstairs, we rented a Bissell(tm) machine and cleaned for several days. When one of us got tired, we passed it off. I remember sitting in a rocking chair doing the same spot for an hour, and the water still coming up black. One day, a few months later, I sat down on the floor to watch TV and my butt started itching. Some rash that looked like a pineapple appeared, about 4" x 6" in size, and it hung around for a week or so, disappearing for a few hours only to reappear on some other part of my body.

                            If your carpet has been ruined by dogs, just tear it out, padding and all, clean well, and recarpet. Paint the walls first, of course, then you'll have a really plush place where you can lounge around, bring in some furniture and maybe some big pillows for the floor so nobody gets carpet burns.

                            Wait, did I just say that?

                            Anyway, I hope you can make it nice and cozy. I have a lot of trouble keeping ours clean because Tony and Jenny don't help much. I don't always feel too well, and when I do, I have to work on my cars. If Tony throws a load of dishes in the dishwasher, he's a hero for a week, and I don't think he understands all of the time it takes to vacuum, dust, do laundry, bathe the dog, clean the carpet, etc., especially in Arizona where it's so dusty. Then he doesn't help in the back yard where we have a pool and lots of brush to deal with. Now that he's out driving a truck all of the probably won't make a damned bit of difference. Maybe I need to add attachments to Mr. Crane to rake up brush and load it in the truck.

                            Grats on the new house!


