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Things can't get fucked up one at a time

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  • Things can't get fucked up one at a time

    I spend all night in the ER, came home Thu morning and they've decided to try to fix me with drugs before they do surgery or anything. So after a disability, then two more days off sick, now off sick AGAIN until at least Monday. Then today Jenny comes in with her finger all swollen up and black and blue. I thought she had jammed it, which is normal for kids, but it turns out that it was knocked in some stupid direction by a basketball. I haven't even asked why she didn't see the school nurse. Fuck, there is no way I can take her to the ER. I'm tempted to tell her to take the car, even though she's only had one lesson, but the way this is going, and this hour's traffic, that's asking for it too.

    Of course our neighbors who are close friends are gone, and her friend's mom won't take her because she's not a relative, even if I give her a POA and insurance card.

    Last hope is grandma, then I don't know what the fuck else to do. My friends don't answer either. So I gave her copay money and I hope this works, but grandma was run over by a car a couple of years ago, and I hate to put her through this, waiting for a bed because the illegals and winos are trying to use the hospital as a hotel.

    Today's bible verse: Romans 8:69.69 "All things work together to fuck up thy life because God has a sick sense of humor."

    Well, at least I don't have a telephone pole up my ass like the picture...sometimes I'm glad that was posted.

    BTW, she's in a physics magnet high school and they haven't even taught her why iced water is colder than ice.


  • #2
    Why did you spend all night in the ER?

    And as for Jenny, call a cab maybe?


    • #3
      I had to have a CT scan and a bunch of other stuff. They were so understaffed that they wouldn't bring me a phone, and people rarely came into my room. The saline bottle ran out, and I had to tell them. I had to make a cape out of a blanket to cover my bare ass, figure out how to unplug all of the wires and hoses and sneak into the nurse's station, which was unmanned anyway. Jenny didn't know that I was there and I had to call her, and leave a message for Tony. I wonder if an alarm went off and they thought I died, because some people came into the room, but I already had the shit hooked back up and it was making a squiggly line and pulse noises again, so they all just left.

      With Tony gone, it is weird, but as much of a pita as Jenny has been, when she needs something or gets into trouble, she suddenly becomes my daughter. I think it's an instinct that kicks in. I wouldn't have left her at the ER without someone I trusted to stay with her, even if I had had to go myself, as sick as I am.

      The ER just called to get my permission to treat her, and I said sure, cut off her finger, give her a brain transplant or whatever. I think I'm back to my old self again.



      • #4
        i tried to post the pole in the arse, thing but i cannot attach my pictures from my cum pooter


        • #5
          Well, she came home with a brace thing around her hand and wrist. A ligiment chipped a bone or something. Then I found out that her PE teacher was not going to excuse her from class. The ER had said that she wouldn't need a note because the teacher could obviously see the problem, but I found out that this cunt once made a student run around the track with a broken toe. So I wrote Jenny a note, and if they try to make her do PE, I'll go down there and pull her out of school. I'll also call the lawyer who did my auto accident and we'll sue the teacher personally as well as the school.

          The school nurse is not allowed to do anything, not even give out an aspirin. These people are out of their fucking minds.


