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God dammit

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  • God dammit

    I heard some scratching at the dog door today, and thinking that it was a cat or something, I sent the dog out. Then I heard some other dog barking, so I went out with the .357, and the neighbors' new dogs were over there, and the fence was falling down enough for a dog to walk right through. My cute little dog had chased those viscious-looking dogs back home, or something else had been at the dog door, I don't know which. The damned dogs had pounded on the fence until they knocked part of it down. They were still running around pounding on it.

    I put an emergency brace up, walked the fence with the AK47, and decided that it would hold a few minutes. Then I put my guns away and tried to get the neighbors to help. I am bleeding internally and not supposed to be out of bed, and I needed them just to put a few nails in the bottom to hold until Tony comes back next week. They wouldn't even answer their door. So I went out with cordless screwdriver and ladder, pajamas still on with gunbelt since they wouldn't even put the dogs away, just stared through the window while were jumping up and snapping at me while I was putting in screws.

    Now I hear someone nailing out there. Could that be the neighbors, too afraid of me to yell that they were going to help earlier or answer their door, but nailing on the fence now?

    I think it will hold, but...some people and their god damned dogs. My dog would never go into someone else's yard. He is so well-trained that he can be walked without a leash. People who don't train their dogs shouldn't even fucking have them.

    The trigger lock is off of the AK. If either of those dogs gets onto my property, it will be shredded into ground beef. I love dogs, but they suffer for the sins of their owners. If people would spend time with them when they were puppies, build neural connections to make them smart, and teach them how to behave...but the same is true for children.

    I want to get off of this planet, but for now I'll settle for buying a bunch of land and not having neighbors.

    pS, I know some of you are going to be sweet and ask me how I'm doing. I was much better until all of this happened, now I feel like I swallowed broken glass again. Maybe tomorrow will be OK again.


  • #2
    Personally in your conditon I would have just shot the dogs in the first place. Being nice is not worth risking your health, and if they're going to be that dumb, they don't need the dogs anyway. I sympathize, and agree, have known more than a few people like that and the sad part is they treat their kids about like their pets. Our dog not only runs free, but she protects the kids, all of them. We spent a lot of time getting her trained, I don't even have to get on to her when she does something "wrong" (like chase stray cats off the cars), she'll come in and punish Hope you get better soon.


    • #3
      I would have shot the dogs if they had still been on my property when I got out there, but I couldn't just reach a gun over the neighbors' fence and do it. The last place you want to be when you're sick is in jail. Being within 1000' of a school might have been a problem too, but probably not on my property.

      Jenny sleeps with her door closed anyway. My dog will go nuts if any other dogs come in. Tony said that those were Dobermans over there, and my little 60-pound muttweiler must have chased them away. He seems to think that a dog will leave if it knows that the property belongs to another dog.

      I'm doing better, but tired as hell after my first day back at work. I've already got the alarm set on the cell phone, so I'll probably just grab something quick to eat and pass out. Tony is supposed to come back Friday, and he said he'll help with this stuff. I just need to recover in time for Denver.

