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  • Ebay?

    Is it my imagination, or has someone managed to hack the whole domain?


  • #2
    looks fine to me..?


    • #3
      Usually I throw these messages away, but when I see a kludge like this in the html

      Some of this stuff could be pic links...I don't know because I block pics, but there is only one link I can see, and it really does appear to go to, not a spoof (so says Internet Explorer's bar), but I can't reach Ebay to verify it. I can't even ping it or traceroute to Ebay.

      I get really suspicious about this shit, especially when it comes from foreign countries and it can't be prosecuted. I'll look at it more when I'm not on a network that is all VLANd and constipated like ours. They may even have Ebay blocked here. I'm just not doing business with them or Paypal till I get a better look at it.



      • #4
        i'm closing my paypal account. it looked like someone has hacked into it and when i call paypal all i get is a foreign person answering that doesn't understand me.


        • #5
          Paypal appears to be shut down. I got to the page once, couldn't log in, now can't even reach it.


          • #6
            I finally got a login, and I closed my account, I hope. I had to click about a dozen "are you sure?" buttons, and they wanted to know my bank account or credit card account number before they would allow me to close it. They had the bank account number outlined in bright red as if they would only accept that, but fortunately they accepted the number of my expired credit card. The credit card company had changed it, but I got it from an old statement.

            Despite the convenience, I'm just about ready to be done dealing with online merchofuckery, as well as Ebay. If I need something, I'll ask the people I know.



            • #7
              i only send cashiers check or check on ebay now......mostly cashiers check.


              • #8
                i've never had any problems (yet)


                • #9
                  I haven't had any problems with Ebay or Paypal. I even have stuff listed on Ebay. I just sent a payment to Hellcat for a NHAA patch through paypal and didn't have a problem. I just sent her a message too. If there's a problem she'll let me know.


                  • #10
                    Be careful though because I did get spoofed a couple years ago. They got into my accounts and managed to get info. But they didn't get any money. I got an email that said I needed to update stuff and wasn't thinking started updating it, but didn't realize until it was too late that I wasn't on the real site. So be careful.


                    • #11
                      yeah they'll phish you like it's ZOMG! going out of style

