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Funny email thread

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  • Funny email thread

    I went outside to snooze for a few minutes in my car at lunch today, and it was a little warm, it's a fairly new car, so I thought it wouldn't do any harm to leave the engine running and the AC on.

    Evidently, it did. (You have to start from the bottom of the thread)


    From: XX
    Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 1:28 PM
    To: McCracken, Denise
    Subject: RE:

    LOL It would be worth trying that. (just to see the kinda fuss you could raise). Of course, I would only be the observer and you would have to be the test subject!

    From: McCracken, Denise
    Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 1:20 PM
    To: XX
    Subject: RE:

    I used to go out and sleep in my hearse, but it’s too hot now, and if I leave the engine going, I’ll be out of gas before lunch is over. I’m glad I always kept the curtains closed, because I can imagine the fuss that would be raised if someone saw a hearse with a body in the back.

    From: XX
    Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 1:14 PM
    To: McCracken, Denise
    Subject: RE:

    I don’t think I will EVER even think of taking a nap on the premises after all of this hoopla.

    From: McCracken, Denise
    Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 1:12 PM
    To: XX
    Subject: RE:

    Well if she’s taking a nap, why would you want to knock on the window and wake her up? I think I would be annoyed, if I were her.

    From: XX
    Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 1:09 PM
    To: XX
    Subject: RE:

    You might want to just knock on the window – she may be taking a lunchtime power-nap.

    From: XX
    Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 1:01 PM
    To: XX
    Subject: RE:
    Importance: High

    have you called 911?

    From: XX
    Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 12:55 PM
    To: XX
    To Whom It May Concern:

    There is a white Mercury Marquis in the north area of the lower level parking garage with its lights on, engine running, and there is a woman inside who is not awake/conscious. Does anyone know anything about this person? The LPN is 540 – PTT.

    Last edited by Morella; 05-10-2007, 04:47 PM. Reason: remove tags

  • #2
    Can we try that in Wally-world parking lot when I get mine fixed?


    • #3
      You wouldn't believe how many replies I've gotten about this. The best one is that some Friday, we should park the hearse in front of the building (once I get the electric A/C in) and I will remove the top part of a casket, climb in there in a nice burial suit, and keep the curtains open far enough for people to see in. If half of the people in the building run outside and freak because somebody is taking a nap in her car, imagine what's going to happen when the security guard finds a hearse with a dead body in it? And believe me, he will email everyone in the building, just like he did today.

      And then imagine what's going to happen when the crowd and the police cars are there and I sit up and say, "What the hell? Can't I take a nap around here?"



      • #4

        Go for it morella, Im a first responder and have had to respond to a "nap" before, I didnt really mind cause I got to run code3 through traffic and when I got there i didnt have to do anything, It was at a restaurant and the lady taken a nap worked in the kitchen, I got a free lunch outta it.


        • #5
          I used to work as a security guard, and our job was "observe and report" only, but this guy reports everything he sees to the whole building. I did find a guy passed out in his car with the window open once, couldn't see any breathing at all and couldn't wake him up, even shaking him hard, and I did call 911. As it turned out, he was driving home drunk and just didn't quite make it. I didn't realize that because his keys were in the ignition, he was arrested for DUI. I had kind of mixed feelings about it back then, and I might have thrown his keys on the floor first. Sheesh, when he drove back in a couple of days later, you should seen the look he gave me. It wasn't so much angry as it as, "How could you do that to me?" Well, I did it because I thought he was dead.

