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  • argh!

    So i talked to the shop today. My coach won't fit in their paint booth, so they are going to take it somewhere and have it painted tonight.

    I'm hoping it will be ready tomorrow.

    Please keep your fingers crossed for me.

    they've had my car for almost 7 weeks now. i'm ready for this ordeal to be over. 7 weeks!! i haven't even had my car for a year, so that's like an eternity.

    i am ready to have some sort of foaming at the mouth coniption fit.

    edit - i'm not trying to say the shop is bad, or lazy, or whatever. i just hope it turns out well enough to justify the wait. it's a pretty extensive custom modification i'm having them do, so i dunno almost 2 months could be the norm for something like that.

  • #2
    Did you get stuff shaved, or what?


    • #3
      Mine has been down for four weeks. I'm upgrading the electrical system and I haven't been able to work much because of my neck injury. It is also parked behind my Chrysler, so I've had to drive the Mercubox, which makes the injury worse because it is so hard to turn the steering wheel. I expect to finish the coach this weekend, though. All I have feft to do is the overlight lighting system. The lights in a Superior have the door switches connect the positive side when you open them, so I need to put in a relay so that the negative-switches on the front doors will ground the relay and turn them on, then run a few more wires to the switches, and I need a switch on the dash to turn them on. It can go on the positive side, so a dimmer would be really cool. Maybe another dimmer in the back for those special occasions.

      Oh yeah, and I need to put in the two fans that will cool the electrical rack, UPS and stuff, but that will just take a few minutes.



      • #4
        Never rush a bodyshop. A half assed job will cost you twice as much down the road.


        • #5
          got my baby back! now should i post pictures, or just wait till the monster bash?


          • #6


            • #7

              You should post pics, we love pics


              • #8
                Come on Ryan you gotta post pics man in case I don't make it. And right now it looks like there is a 98% chance I won't make it to Monster Bash. Please post a pic for me! Or send me one in a pm if you want to surprise everybody else. Please please please!


                • #9


                  • #10
                    alrighty... before:


                    • #11
                      and after:


                      • #12
                        and during:


                        • #13
                          that is fucking PIMP

                          nice job


                          • #14
                            Dude, that is dope as hell.


                            • #15
                              damn ryan!!!!! looks awesome!!!!

