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Something funny........

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  • Something funny........

    Casey and I were driving past the local " Snellville Historical Cemetery" earlier, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw this huge brown construction dumpster in the middle of the cemetery and some kid with a shovel hiding behind it.
    I parked the car at the Ryans across the street and ran across the road to sneak up on this kid, to find out what the fuck he was doing, cause it looked funny to me. Turns out, the dumpster was for some left over fill dirt mounds that were left after a few burials, " casey said it looked like they were digging up the old crop,lol", and this kid was filling these buckets with the dirt out of this dumpster and emptying them into the back of his dads pickup. I couldn't resist.
    When he left to dump the buckets i pulled off my shoes and climbed into the dumpster, and when he came back I threw dirt on him and started screaming at the top of my lungs. That son of a bitch flung that shovel over his head at me and damn near took my head off and all i could do was laugh my ass off as he took off running faster than I have ever seen a white boy run. His dad came running over laughing and cursing at the same time telling me that his kid will never be the same again, and why would I do something like that. I just giggled and walked away.

  • #2
    lmfao. I would have done that same thing that is hilarious.


    • #3
      That'll learn him to steal fill dirt from a cemetery!


      • #4
        I would've done the same thing, or conned my husband in to doing it for me and then stood there with the camera to get a picture of it.. I'm not much of a climber! LMAO


        • #5
          I wish I had camera. Things this cool never happen to me, so it would have been nice to have the


          • #6
            stealing dirt from a cemetery... that sounds like an opening for a bad horror movie


            • #7
              ...or good zombie porn...

