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Nerd Test.

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  • Nerd Test.

    This is terrifying:

    1% scored higher (more nerdy),
    0% scored the same, and
    99% scored lower (less nerdy).

    What does this mean? Your nerdiness is:

    All hail the monstrous nerd. You are by far the SUPREME NERD GOD!!!

  • #2
    52% scored higher (more nerdy),
    1% scored the same, and
    47% scored lower (less nerdy).

    I lost all of my nerdiness when I quit high school in the 10th grade, but I gained half of it back when I went back to school and majored in computer science.


    • #3
      92% scored higher (more nerdy),
      1% scored the same, and
      7% scored lower (less nerdy).

      What does this mean? Your nerdiness is:

      Definitely not nerdy, you are probably cool

      Does yhis mean I failed?


      • #4
        93% scored higher (more nerdy),
        1% scored the same, and
        6% scored lower (less nerdy).

        What does this mean? Your nerdiness is:

        Definitely not nerdy, you are probably cool.

        i christmas treed this thing like i did all my tests in


        • #5
          91% scored higher (more nerdy),
          1% scored the same, and
          8% scored lower (less nerdy).

          What does this mean? Your nerdiness is:

          Definitely not nerdy, you are probably cool.

          * I just took this test because I was bored


          • #6
            Originally posted by Psychoholic View Post

            This is terrifying:

            1% scored higher (more nerdy),
            0% scored the same, and
            99% scored lower (less nerdy).

            What does this mean? Your nerdiness is:

            All hail the monstrous nerd. You are by far the SUPREME NERD GOD!!!

            Sorry this kid has you beat.


            • #7
              I can't picture that kid ever getting laid. I would swear he was retarded spelling bee champ or not. And they obviously didn't hire the reporter for talent.


              • #8
                oh my god. i'm speachless..................

                in ten years well hear about him going on a cocaine bindge, killing a hooker then throwing himself off of the golden gate bridge....mark my words......


                • #9
                  Unfourtunately, thay don't just take out 1 wurthless persin b4 offing themselvs-they go to shoping malls or pubic skools and take out groops of peepl ferst.

                  Send that kid this reply-his head will probly ixpload,


                  • #10
                    Man, that kid is doomed.

