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Here goes my job

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  • Here goes my job

    I picked up a stupid little plastic bin Thursday, which couldn't have weighed 10#, and I'm still in back pain from it. I was told to stay on disability until my doctor clears me to come back, and to find another job if he didn't clear me to come back without taking any pain medicine.

    So screw it, maybe my doctor will tell them that I'm never returning, when he finds out what they're trying to pull. Or maybe I get a lawyer. These are the same people that Tony told the hell with so that he could go drive a truck. Hey, fuckheads, if I didn't have to take pain medicine, I would be out driving a truck too.

    For this I went to college?

  • #2
    I can't help but think that there are other jobs available in your market than just the one sysadmin job you're taking up currently. You've got time, experience, and college on your side, there is bound to be more money out there for you.

    Quit dealing with the aggravation and go find another job.


    • #3
      You're definitely right, same conclusion that Tony came up with when he switched careers to truck driver. I'm going to stay on disability as long as I can, though. It's been a week and I can still barely get out of bed, so I may have a bad disk or something really fucked up.

      When you're boss tells you not to come back until your doctor clears you, and then to go find another job unless you're cleared to work without pain medicine, that's bullshit. It's also illegal under ADA, and if I didn't need medicine, I would be out driving with Tony.

      I hurt like hell right now, so I have plenty of time either way. I used to have a lot of respect for my boss, but first he said that he was worried about me driving, now he comes up with this. I don't liked two-faced assholes.

      I can go back to work if the lower back is fixed, but it would have to be for someone who doesn't have a problem with the neck injury and pain medicine. That's permanent, just the way it is.



      • #4
        On the flip side, Its people like you helping to making this country fall by. giving these companys reason to go over seas to find "workers" that will work instead of trying to find every way to not work and milk them dry by claiming disabilities. if you cant do your job anymore that quit!!

        find somthing you can do, instead of laying at home and getting paid while your co workers are doing thiers and your job, and us working tax payers are footing your medical bills.

        Instaed of bitching about how your life sucks so bad and everyone is out to get you! find a way to make your life better and stop milking the system!..only you can make a change in your life for the good or worse. so do it!!


        • #5
          Let me clamp a pair of vice grips around your neck full-time, you work 25 years that way with half of your paycheck taken out and given away to people who don't work, paying your own way for both government AND your private diability insurance, and see if you don't want some of it back. To keep trying to work anyway is like paying for car insurance and getting nothing when your car is totalled (hey, you're just raising the price of everyone else's insurance when you file a claim).

          I'll give you dumbass of the year for that response, and BTW...half of all of our jobs went to India via layoff already. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.


          • #6
            Have you seen a good DC? It sounds like a few sessions of traction would take the pressure off of those nerves. It worked for me on 2 seperate injuries.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Morella View Post
              Let me clamp a pair of vice grips around your neck full-time, you work 25 years that way with half of your paycheck taken out and given away to people who don't work, paying your own way for both government AND your private diability insurance, and see if you don't want some of it back. To keep trying to work anyway is like paying for car insurance and getting nothing when your car is totalled (hey, you're just raising the price of everyone else's insurance when you file a claim).

              I'll give you dumbass of the year for that response, and BTW...half of all of our jobs went to India via layoff already. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
              Well everytime i see a post on here from you, your bitching about somthing or your hurt and off work so i find it hard to belive you have worked STEADY! for 25 years,

              sounds more like your one of the ones everyone else is paying taxes so you can sit at home collecting from the goverment.

              And there a differance between making a claim when you truly need to, and being someone who files a claim every time they get a hang nail..

              And last but not least why do those companys layoff and go to Inda?..because its cheaper labor, and they work!..

              Bottom line..if more Americans took pride in thier work and made quality products instead of trying to scew thier employers and the system, maybe they would stay in the good ol USA...One of the reasons that Japan is becoming the#1 car sellers in the US, and American car companys are fast going into bankrucy, or overseas....ummm...Sad but true


              • #8
                That my dear, sucks ass...If it helps any, my boss just sold the funeral home at the last minute...if anybody needs disgruntled funeral

                (Yes, it is my feeble attempt at lightening the mood and I suck at it)


                • #9
                  Most DCs and any other doctors won't take workman's comp cases, even if you offer to self pay.

                  My friends always seem to be out of town when I need them, and I had two taxi rides yesterday to the industrial clinic which said "go to your doctor for this" doc doesn't accept workman's comp, even if I will self-pay.

                  When you go to any doctor and say the evil words 'it happened at work", they won't even see you. One of my friends was a doctor, and I understand why, but I'm currently fighting tooth and nail just to get a self-pay visit to my own doctor. He won't do it.

                  Hell, I could go for a system with no health insurance, just a little put aside when you work. Prices of health care would plummet. What we have is what there is, though. If you want to see it get worse, vote for Hillary.

                  I was too hard on BoneWagon, because I felt the same he did at one time. "Hell, I'm working, why can't everyone else?" Until you've been there, though, in a serious accident after having contributed a good part of a million bucks into this system and can't get any help when you need it, you just don't get it. I won't get a fucking dime out of this. There is no check machine or cash register! No handouts.

                  If I'm lucky, I may get help with medical bills. I've paid my own way so far. And I still don't hope it happens to anyone, no matter how much they rag on me. I'm not that kind of bitch...I just get irritated when people start going off about things that they don't understand.

                  Over half of our jobs have gone to India now. They just scrap the department and open it up in India under a new name. That isn't my fault. I offered to work from home, and my manager says yes one day and no the next. Sometimes a company that is outsourcing just doesn't know what the fuck they're doing.



                  • #10

                    Well everytime i see a post on here from you, your bitching about somthing or your hurt and off work so i find it hard to belive you have worked STEADY! for 25 years,

                    sounds more like your one of the ones everyone else is paying taxes so you can sit at home collecting from the goverment.

                    And there a differance between making a claim when you truly need to, and being someone who files a claim every time they get a hang nail..

                    And last but not least why do those companys layoff and go to Inda?..because its cheaper labor, and they work!..

                    Bottom line..if more Americans took pride in thier work and made quality products instead of trying to scew thier employers and the system, maybe they would stay in the good ol USA...One of the reasons that Japan is becoming the#1 car sellers in the US, and American car companys are fast going into bankrucy, or overseas....ummm...Sad but true
                    Maybe we should keep a tally board somewhere..."Denise's Injuries, Disabilities, Pain Complaints. I still think we can round up the time to 25 years, though.

                    The Japanese are having the cars made in America, down where the coal mines closed. Labor is cheap down there, but they're not shit with computers.


                    • #11

                      That my dear, sucks ass...If it helps any, my boss just sold the funeral home at the last minute...if anybody needs disgruntled funeral

                      Sorry to hear about that. I wouldn't put "disgruntled" on your resume though.

                      Sorry, bad joke.

                      My one saving grace, which is ironic because he's almost driven me away a few times, is Tony. He told me that we'll just take this one day at a time and work it out somehow. Some cars and tools and the house will probably be sold, and maybe we'll pay cash for some cheap land down where the Japanese cars are made. I'll do whatever I can to make a living, maybe telecommuting, although it seems like Tony doesn't really want me to work. I think he knows that stress causes me pain, and sometimes people love you even more than you realize they do.



                      • #12
                        When you go to any doctor and say the evil words 'it happened at work", they won't even see you. One of my friends was a doctor, and I understand why, but I'm currently fighting tooth and nail just to get a self-pay visit to my own doctor. He won't do it.
                        My DC only charges my $35 per visit. It doesn't matter to him how I hurt myself. Usually it is in the gym, but I have had my share of incidents. I tell him what I was doing when I felt the pain/shift/discomfort and he fixes it.
                        Thank god for traction!


                        • #13
                          I may just try that. I can barely get in and out of a chair now. ( Chalk that up on my bitch board )

                          This was weird...I was watching the History Channel episode about torture when I had to get out of my chair, and...Jesus Fuck! If only they could figure out how to make this one work every time, they would really have something.

