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Jahovahs witness

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  • Jahovahs witness

    How To Get Rid of Jehovah's Witnesses
    1. Answer the door naked and carrying weaponry (immediate results).
    2. Pretend to be the slowest talking person in the world and see how long their spirit of charity lasts.
    3. Answer every one of their questions with: "What do you mean by that?" This might take a while, but you and your loved ones can have fun placing bets on how long it takes for them to get flustered and leave.
    4. Ask them to reconcile Revelation 1 and 22 for the "Alpha & Omega's" identity (Jesus or God), repeat constantly. You may have to resort to another method to actually get rid of them, but this will definitely make them sweat.
    5. Excuse yourself from your living room (or wherever)... and don't come back.
    6. Make a series of increasingly reprehensible fake phone calls (bookie, order for pornography, drug deal, obscene call, and if they are STILL there, a tearful confession to the police for the murder of the last Witnesses who visited you.)
    7. Pick an oft-repeated word in their lexicon (God, Jesus, heaven, it, the etc.) and giggle whenever they utter it. If they ask you what's going on, say "nothing, why?" in very even tones, and giggle again.
    8. Same as #7, except say "beep" instead of giggling.
    9. (Males only) Feign an intense interest in their spiel. Part way through, begin putting on make-up, hosiery, a dress, the whole nine yards. Make encouraging noises (uh huh, I see...) throughout, and if they ask you what you're doing, pull a # 7. If they're still there when you are done, Ask them if they would please kindly leave as you have a hot date in ten minutes.
    Look smug and tell them that your God can beat up 10. their God.

    stolen from Robert Anton Wilson

  • #2
    i hear another good way is to just tell them you used to be a jehova's witness, until they decided you are an apostate and kicked you out


    • #3
      The last time they came to my house I spent the entire time "checking out" his daughter. It made the guy really uneasy and they haven't been back since, that was a little over 2 years ago. The best part was that she had a big ol' smile on her face when they left.


      • #4
        my parents actually complained shortly after i moved out because since the hearses we gone out of the yard, the witnesses started comming around again.


        • #5
          A friend told me he had a friend that raised Empireor Scopions. He said his friend would carry it on his shoulder, and it would had under his hair. One day a witness came to the door, he answered it and was in the process of telling the woman he wasn't interested when the scorpion came out of hiding. As it crested his shoulder the woman screamed and passed out in his car port.

          Another friend lived in a collage apartment and worked nights. The Students for Jesus would knock on the door @ 7 every Saturday morning while he was trying to sleep. One Saturday he decided to pick up a cow heart from the butcher shop. Got home, put Slayer on one stereo and Tibetian Chat on another, volume on both all the way up. Then he painted half his body red the other half blue. Wearing only an open Ceremoanial robe he waited. Like clock work they knocked on the door. He opened the door the woman was speechless. After a few LONG seconds she finally spoke. He said "Oh of course I'ld like to help, here's a donation." and slammed the bloody heart on her clip board and slammed the door. He moved a year later and they hadn't returned.


          • #6
            I like the cow heart thing! That takes some serious pre-planning.

            We used to get them pretty regularly, but I'd stand there and debate with them until they gave up. After a few weeks of them sending different people out, they showed up with their preacher and he and I went at it for over an hour back and forth until finally he just shook my hand and politely left. To be honest, I miss arguing with him - he really knew his shit and was completely unflusterable.

            They just kind of avoided us after that. You could see them walk down the street, look at our house and just keep on going. BUT we are in a new house now, and they don't know we're here!!! OOooh I can't wait!


            • #7
              A buddy of mine who is gay opened the door one day to them wearing nothing but a pair of boxers and when they asked him something he responded "I'm not interested, but my boyfriend may be" and then yelled for him and he came to the door naked. Needless to say they left in a hurry. I thought that was pretty damned funny.


              • #8
                lmfao. isn't he so cute when he gets excited?


                • #9
                  All I have to do is tell them I'm gay and they run away like I have the plague.


                  • #10
                    you're a big guy..... I would run away too

