Why can't my stupid cat make some cool shit like this?
Octopussy, the "Amazing Eight-Legged Cat" is owned by Shawn Clemons (Wheeling, USA) and though Octopussy died shortly after birth in 2001, its preserved body is exhibited by Clemons as a curiosity when he travels on business; it has also become the logo of his business "Eight Legged Cat Enterprises". The kitten has one torso, but nearly every other physical feature is duplicated. It has four ears, two tails and eight legs. Clemons was house-sitting for friends when their pet cat gave birth to several healthy kittens plus a black kitten twice the size of its littermates. It suffocated during birth, but Clemons was permitted to preserve the kitten in a bottle. Some people find the preserved kitten fascinating, others find it disgusting and call for it to be buried.

In January 2006, another cyclops kitten photo did the rounds of the internet (the white kitten, above right). Cy, short for Cyclopes, was a Ragdoll kitten born 28th December 2005 with only one eye and no muzzle. The owner, Traci Allen, raises Ragdolls in Redmond, Oregon. The litter contained only 2 kittens, this one and a normal sibling. Cy, photographed by the owner as a newborn (the fur appears slick from amniotic fluid rather than fluffy and dry), died after living for one day, was one of two in the litter. Many blogs and boards have claimed the photos to be fake, but have no knowledge of cranial defects to support their opinion. It is not a fake (after death, Cy was verified as real by veterinarian Karen Laidley, who examined the body). Although kittens do not open their eyes for 2 weeks, Cy has no eyelids and cannot close the eye (compare this with the black kitten where the eye protrudes from the skull). The eye is still moist, either from amniotic fluid or possibly from being moistened by the breeder (even normal kittens are sometimes born with open eyes). The bottow rim of the eye is incompletely fused. Although the head appears to be normal size, the eye is disproportionately large and occupies most of the central facial area - this is due to the abnormal growth of the facial structures associated with cyclopia. The internal structure of the eye is also defective: it lacks the pigmented iris that is blue in normal kittens; it has no blood vessels and no tapetum (the reflective layer that causes red-eye/green-eye in flash photography). The malformed brain means the eye is blind. The head is an abnormal shape with no muzzle and with the mouth presenting as a slit below the eyes.

LAKE CITY, Fla. -- When Teresa Morrison's cat had a litter Tuesday, she noticed something was different about one of the kittens.
The kitten has two mouths, two noses and four eyes. She immediately called her veterinarian.
"I thought it had growth on its face," she said
"He said he's never seen it. Never," Morrison said.
The kitten is nursing from its mother, which the vet said is a good sign.
"(She's) feeding off one mouth now; sometimes go to the other one, but he's not getting it open," Morrison said.
The vet told Morrison he didn't know if the cat has one or two brains, but having one would give the cat a better chance to survive.
He said if the kitten lives 48 hours, he has a good chance of living a full life.
Wednesday morning, Morrison named the cat "Deuce."
Octopussy, the "Amazing Eight-Legged Cat" is owned by Shawn Clemons (Wheeling, USA) and though Octopussy died shortly after birth in 2001, its preserved body is exhibited by Clemons as a curiosity when he travels on business; it has also become the logo of his business "Eight Legged Cat Enterprises". The kitten has one torso, but nearly every other physical feature is duplicated. It has four ears, two tails and eight legs. Clemons was house-sitting for friends when their pet cat gave birth to several healthy kittens plus a black kitten twice the size of its littermates. It suffocated during birth, but Clemons was permitted to preserve the kitten in a bottle. Some people find the preserved kitten fascinating, others find it disgusting and call for it to be buried.

In January 2006, another cyclops kitten photo did the rounds of the internet (the white kitten, above right). Cy, short for Cyclopes, was a Ragdoll kitten born 28th December 2005 with only one eye and no muzzle. The owner, Traci Allen, raises Ragdolls in Redmond, Oregon. The litter contained only 2 kittens, this one and a normal sibling. Cy, photographed by the owner as a newborn (the fur appears slick from amniotic fluid rather than fluffy and dry), died after living for one day, was one of two in the litter. Many blogs and boards have claimed the photos to be fake, but have no knowledge of cranial defects to support their opinion. It is not a fake (after death, Cy was verified as real by veterinarian Karen Laidley, who examined the body). Although kittens do not open their eyes for 2 weeks, Cy has no eyelids and cannot close the eye (compare this with the black kitten where the eye protrudes from the skull). The eye is still moist, either from amniotic fluid or possibly from being moistened by the breeder (even normal kittens are sometimes born with open eyes). The bottow rim of the eye is incompletely fused. Although the head appears to be normal size, the eye is disproportionately large and occupies most of the central facial area - this is due to the abnormal growth of the facial structures associated with cyclopia. The internal structure of the eye is also defective: it lacks the pigmented iris that is blue in normal kittens; it has no blood vessels and no tapetum (the reflective layer that causes red-eye/green-eye in flash photography). The malformed brain means the eye is blind. The head is an abnormal shape with no muzzle and with the mouth presenting as a slit below the eyes.

LAKE CITY, Fla. -- When Teresa Morrison's cat had a litter Tuesday, she noticed something was different about one of the kittens.
The kitten has two mouths, two noses and four eyes. She immediately called her veterinarian.
"I thought it had growth on its face," she said
"He said he's never seen it. Never," Morrison said.
The kitten is nursing from its mother, which the vet said is a good sign.
"(She's) feeding off one mouth now; sometimes go to the other one, but he's not getting it open," Morrison said.
The vet told Morrison he didn't know if the cat has one or two brains, but having one would give the cat a better chance to survive.
He said if the kitten lives 48 hours, he has a good chance of living a full life.
Wednesday morning, Morrison named the cat "Deuce."
