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death of chris benoit

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  • #16
    Model father
    Last edited by 60Buick; 06-29-2007, 06:26 PM.


    • #17
      Watch the video and then read the comments below! Are they fucking serious!!!!!



      • #18
        Originally posted by 60Buick View Post
        Watch the video and then read the comments below! Are they fucking serious!!!!!
        It's scary that we live in the same world with some of these morons.

        I didn't realize that if you're on drugs and murder people that it's considered a very bad accident! LMAO ...I guess this idiot doesn't comprehend that it's someone's choice to do drugs in the first place. What, they just fall and land on the needle?


        • #19
          I Don't know whether to laugh or cry. How can people be this fucking stupid. We need to build concentration camps and heard the people that possess the gene of stupidity into them. The world is getting over run with fucking retards. I don't mean clinicly challenged, I mean fucking retarded. Is it from imbreeding? I bet most of these rejects are from the good ol' USA. We breed fucking halfwit imbasils. This is why I own a gun. If they ever legalize the elimination of the stupid, I'm ready. It makes my brain hurt just trying to comprehend what the people who wrote this shit are thinking. How can people this stupid live in the modern world??? Just think, I bet most of them vote, drive, work, raise kids and think they are smarter than you. That is fucking horrifing. These people do more harm just existing than Al-Qaeda could with a fleet of fueled 747's.
          .................................................. .................................................. ....

          BASTARD HE COULD have been depressed

          chris benoit was my hero idk where the fuck you could out talking about him like this he may have killed them but he went mad or something and you sir are an asshole and you should go to hell R.I.P chris benoit you will never be forgotten

          From what i've been seeing..Chris's wife was dead before he got if she was dead could he have been the one to kill her?Murderer?I think not

          u sick fuck u should die u dont know the true story keep shit to ur self prick

          you really think you know it all? you stupid fuck face, Benoit was 10x a better man then you. Don't talk shit about him like that! He was one of the best wrestlers in the world! fuck face...

          fuck u . u mother fucker..
          chris is a hero. and he will always b..
          and no matter wat problems he got with hid family.. he wouldnt kill them cuz chris is nice guy..

          so fuck offf and dont say that ... abut chris

          I AGREE WITH YOU TOTALLY!!!!!!!!!

          chris is a good man,and i believe that there must be something wrong,he is not as bad as you were saying,he was a good wrestler.Respect to his fans,respect to this industry,respect to his family.can's beleive that this tragedy had happened,let just wish him R.I.P.

          fuck you super dick,you can't know what really happened so shut the fuck up...idiot

          your an ass hole you dirin now cris. cris was one of the bes wrestler. i now what he did but it was the drugs not him and i forgif him and wee dont now the hold story soo stop biin a ass hole

          benoit has taken drugs that strengthen his musclus and the drugs cause Roit Rage. Roit Rage means he can't control himself from doing anything. he maybe dosen't want to do this too. Please Forgive him for his action guys.

          R.I.P Chris benoit

          chris was a good man and ya i feel bad about his wife and son but thats what drugs do to you and this is a reminder that ya, people do stupid stuff but its over now and no one can change that....YEAH YOU GUYS NEED TO WATCH WHAT YUR SAYING AND MABY HE DID DO SOMETHING BAD YOU GUYS ARE BAD PEOPLE FOR SAYING THAT DO U THINK HE WOULD LIKE IT IF YOU GUYS WERE SAYING THAT CRAP ABOUT HIM?

          You know what u son of a bitch you dont even no wut happend so u have no room to talk shit i hope u fall in a fucking hole and die. if i knew where u lived id come kick your ass right now sick bastard

          AND how in the bloody fock do u know he did this u stupid f@g? dont beileve everything u hear. i would snuff u in da face if u was here rigth now!!!

          screw this vid screw u chris benoit is da best i bet u did something that u regretted this is one thing he probbly regretted in his star life u faget.

          don't say you hope he burns in hell you piece of shit! the truth is not yet discovered and when it is, I hope you choke on those words!

          don't judge him, we don't know the whole story

          fuck you!!!!!!
          r.i.p chris benoit

          ur a fucking prick for uploading this vid its realli disrespectfull its realli out of order and its fukin horse shit if he did murder his son n wife which im nt very sure he did but if he did he was under the influence of drugs which means he didnt do it cause he wanted to and places it under a very bad accident and as for u get sick everytime you see his face if i ever see yours then youll be on your way to c chris benoit R.I.P chris benoit you were one of the all time greats!!!!

          Seriously man if you had the slightest clue on who benoit was then you would not have made this video the tributes the stories the frickin movie on him showed he loved them more then anything including wrestling and you dont no shit, the media is dumb and police dont ahve the slightest clue on detective work if you watched court tv you would have known that.

          R.I.P Chris Benoit

          RIP CHRIS / u dont even know what happened so keep ur opninons 2 urself ur jus another fool listeining 2 media

          I have a question for you. HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT HE KILLED HIS FAMILY THEN HIMSELF? Huh. I'm so sick of everyone calling him a "killer" and "murderer". No one knows who did it. You are basically going on what you heard and not what you know. So if I were you I would just stop calling him a "killer" or "murderer". Cause we don't really know what happend that weekend.


          Negativerick I seriously hope someone beats the holy crap out of you for making this. How DARE you disrespect someone who was a great athlete and loved by the fans. To see him bring his family into the ring with him the night he won the championship...and to see you be a jack ass...Yeah you know who needs to be sent to hell?People like you. No one lives forever,even if it was wrong. Imagine how the child would have grown up after witnessing his parents deaths...frigging moron

          He didn't do it I want them to prove he did I want good evidence not that he was the last to die I want good evidence and u assholes are just trying to make him look bad

          chris was killed and framed. Do you think he would bust his ass 20 years , have a kid and go crazy and kill them just like that? comon. The police dont want to do their work. Chris was my hero, the little man. The hard working man, he went through soo much .
          comon think about the cover ups

          ALL PPL shut the fuk up ... benoit is a hero ..

          Your brave heros in irak are killing innocent children too, they are murderers

          oh bs he just had a mental reactson from steroids god it happend befor also if someone in your famley had one whuld you make a video aboult it saying how bad they there no OK


          • #20
            butt thees peepel ar so smartt thay jist dont now iny betr mayb thayr keebords ar broked its a gud thang elimintiry skool is free sumwun shewt me

