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From professional to redneck in two months

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  • From professional to redneck in two months

    Tony just informed me that he is getting some $30 paychecks because of that nasty runaway kid who gets $750/mo child support. I have gone on disability, and as of 7/10 I have no job and no health insurance, and no one will ever hire me again after all that disability. I held out as long as I could, but I can't make it through a day of work, and they won't let me work part-time. I'm bored as hell and can't work on my cars much. I'm finishing the electrical on the hearse, and that's it.

    Funny how you can go from professional to redneck in the space of two months. Hopefully a lawyer can fix the child support so that we will have at least some income. The runaway is currently taking 75% of our take-home pay, and we have another kid.


  • #2
    Run-away kid?


    • #3
      Yup. 16 years old, and she ran off to live with a barmaid. I was really happy to get rid of her because she was tearing up the house, and trying to talk Jenny into doing things that she shouldn't have been doing, but 75% of our take-home pay is a bit much. The kid's biological father was Egyptian, her mother was dead, and Tony had loved her enough to protect her kid. He was afraid that the father would come and try to drag her off to a Muslim country, so he adopted her. That was how this got started...Tony trying to help somebody.



      • #4
        Originally posted by Morella View Post
        That was how this got started...Tony trying to help somebody.
        It never, ever, ever fails.


        • #5
          It's like the joke where the two dogs are fucking, and the five-year-old asks his father what they're doing.

          The father says, "Well, umm...the dog on the top has hurt its paw, and the one on the bottom is trying to help it get back to its doghouse."

          The kid says, "Yeah, that's about right. Try to help somebody and get fucked."



          • #6
            Originally posted by Morella View Post
            It's like the joke where the two dogs are fucking, and the five-year-old asks his father what they're doing.

            The father says, "Well, umm...the dog on the top has hurt its paw, and the one on the bottom is trying to help it get back to its doghouse."

            The kid says, "Yeah, that's about right. Try to help somebody and get fucked."

            Yeah that is the position i am in. But i was smart enough to say no, but my wife let them live with us for a week ,two months ago, and i have been dealing with it and paying for it ever since. the only beauty part is, since i said no, i get to be as big of a dick to them as i see fit. so everyday they are told how much of fuck ups they are , and how they desereve no welfare, and how i do not run a halfway house. But that isn't the fucked up part. the fucked up part is that they take it without even saying much of anything. Only one of them has a job, they blow their money on beer and weed and fast food to feed the 400 lb cow that bitch is. they are THAT determined to be bottom feeders. It amazes me. AND THEY HAVE 3 FUCKING KIDS!!!!! ALL OF THEM UNDER 3 FUCKING YEARS OLD!!!!! i have to hear screaming babies all day long, i have no freeuse of my living room....oh goddamn the list could go on forever...i had better stop now before i have a heart attack at 28 years old..........


            • #7
              I would just start packing up my shit to leave, after I stole their dope.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Morella View Post
                It's like the joke where the two dogs are fucking, and the five-year-old asks his father what they're doing.

                The father says, "Well, umm...the dog on the top has hurt its paw, and the one on the bottom is trying to help it get back to its doghouse."

                The kid says, "Yeah, that's about right. Try to help somebody and get fucked."

                Originally posted by StrayCat View Post
                Yeah that is the position i am in.



                • #9
                  Now that's just sick.

