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National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance.

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  • National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance.

    For gods sake...

    NAAFA is the premier fat-rights organization working to end discrimination based on body size. We are a member supported, all-volunteer, non-profit organization established in 1969. We promote Equalty At Every Size and are working to see body size added to the anti-discrimination legislation in all

    Fat people should not just be accepted, they should be ridiculed for being lazy! That's just my take on it, and I am probably right.


  • #2
    this lobby group brought to you by the american associations for lard, crisco, dairy products, and meat cows. additional support provided by the national league of fast food producers, and walmart customers like you.


    • #3
      Fatty Fatskins

      Anyone who knows me for any legnth of time know that I like chunky chicks. Not some stinking lardass, but I like them kinda thick, big ass, soft. ( I also prefer them redheaded, pale and freckled but thats just being picky). Its hard for me to find porn that Im really into because the chicks are always too slender for my taste, or they're some 400 pound heart attack getting f'd in the ass while they eat cake with kethup on it. Pretty weird shit actually. I like them soft and curvacious, healthy and most importantly a girl who feels sexy and likes to wear tight jeans even if shes not Paris Hilton thin. I cant think of a good example that everyone would know about but a size 16 for me is about right. It was never a concious thing, every girlfriend I had in middle school and highschool was always soft and it was just what I gravitated towards. It was hard growing up when my friends where ogling the cheerleaders and I was ogling the girls they where friends with.

      That being said though, if your so fat you need "acceptance", your probably too fat. If your too fat for an airplaine seat, your too fat to travel. If your too fat to get onto the subway, your too fat. If your too fat to go shopping without a wheelchair, your too fucking fat. If your putting all this effort into lobbying why dont you just put that effort into losing some weight? Im all about people who dont feel like they have to fit in. Like most everyone here, I drive a hearse. I wear kilts instead of pants. I have a ridiculous haircut. I still think Doc Martins are cool and comfortable. For me, a kimono is just what you need when Autumn sets in. But these arent things that prevent me from partaking in the world. I can get on an airplaine and travel. I can get up and down stairs without being winded. I can grab a chin up bar and hoist my body weight up. I think its sad to be so lazy and disrespectfull to yourself to allow yourself to fall into a situation where you cant function. And instead ot fixing it you rally with other people who cant function. What kind of sense does that make? Were not all perfect and I know all of us arent in perfect shape. But to equate it to cars, we might go a little over our oil change when we get busy or maybe put off new those ball joints until we get paid again. But getting that fat is like letting a totally sweet ride rot away in a muddy field becuase it ran out of gas.

      Im not a slender person by any stretch. Im 5'11" and 241 pounds. Ive got a bit of a beer belly that comes from being over 30 and of German decent. And I dont eat all that great. My Dr just altered my diet from eating too much salt and my Cholestoral is a little high actually. Anyhoo, the point of that is this. I couldn't walk into a male strip club and get a job. They hire guys that look different than me. And its not fair for me to lobby or try to sue for "fat discrimination". If your too fat for something, lose weight, or learn to live without it. Dont sue Levis because their size 28 pants dont fit you, get 38's or lose weight.

      Everyone has different limits on what is acceptable. While my tolerance (and in truth, desire)for a girl thats is a bit plump is more than others and thats fine, everyones taste is different. But in my opinion, if your so fat your joining a group about it, you need to prioritize whats important.

      The other aspect of all this is health insurance. We all essentially pay the same rates for insurance when you work at a company. And they have to factor in all the high blood pressure, heart attacks, knee joints, etc...that come from big giant fat people.

      I have to confess though, that link to the Big Burlesque show really caught my attention. Most of those chicks exceed my personal taste, but a few of them are delicious.



      • #4
        if you're ever in atlanta, you should check out big city burlesque


        • #5
          I would ask if it has really gotten this bad, but I am afraid somebody is going to say yes and follow it up with something worse,( richard)......and i don't know if I can take


          • #6
            Alex brings up some great points. Very well said.

            If people would eat healthy Mon-Sat and allowed themselves a little cheating on Sunday, excercised for 20 min 3xs a week, it would go a huge distance (pardon the pun).


            • #7
              Originally posted by Alex Lohmann View Post
              Its hard for me to find porn that Im really into because the chicks are always too slender for my taste, or they're some 400 pound heart attack getting f'd in the ass while they eat cake with kethup on it. Pretty weird shit actually.


              I was young, and I needed the money. Don't judge me!


              • #8
                Very well put Alex. I agree hole heartedly on the being too fat angle. I personally am not into thick chicks, but I can see your point for it.

                All the effort that these people are putting into making people accept them for what they are is time and energy they could be spending helping their health out. It's not just about being fat, it's about being unhealthy. I know plenty of skinny people that are in horrible shape too. I'm down to ~245 right now, but I'm at ~19% bodyfat, I work out like a maniac and I eat pretty well - I was tired of being a fatass who was grossly out of shape. But I'm the worst type of person in that regards (ex-smokers make the most ardent anti-smoking folks - I'm that way with super fat people).


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Psychoholic View Post
                  For gods sake...

                  Fat people should not just be accepted, they should be ridiculed for being lazy! That's just my take on it, and I am probably right.

                  But shouldn't over Half of us (D.E.) Members?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Chace View Post
                    But shouldn't over Half of us (D.E.) Members?
                    Like who, this guy?


                    • #11
                      Hey now...alot of us have gained weight. I just tell everybody that I am well taken care


                      • #12
                        if you have to wear a moo moo...your too fucking fat!


                        • #13


                          • #14
                            Me and Billy may have had our differences in the past, but now we are united and the same as we are BOTH fatasses! and ByGod, you need to recognize that Ganci!!!!

                            I mean shit, that pic was like 10 years ago...nowadays I look more like this!

                            (To be honest I'm like 50lbs HEAVIER now!)

                            So basically you guys aren't gonna like my christmas cards this year!


                            • #15
                              +1 with Alex on the same preferences on the ladies...and the opinions.

