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I like mexicans

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  • I like mexicans

    I found the usefullness in the Mexican population of Atlanta today. When they say they will do a job no American will do, they aren't blowing smoke up your ass.

    My dog [a full grown golden lab] got out of the yard Wednesday. After looking everywhere. I could not find her. Today I notced a strong death smell up the road when coming home. I found her in a ditch about a 1/2 mile up the road dead, stiff, swelled up twice her size, covered in flys and been sitting there for a while. I really felt bad and wanted to bring her home to put her in my own little pet cemetary I have going on. It just wouldn't be right to leave my buddy laying there like trash. There was a small problemTHERE IS NO WAY IN HELL, OR ON GODS GREEN EARTH THAT I WOULD TOUCH THAT DECOMPOSING ANIMAL

    I went and got me a Mexican. No shit. 20 dollars and he scooped a 60 lb rotting dog into a wheelbarrow and brought her home. He had his shirt over his nose and had to stop every ten feet to almost throw up but he did it. Twenty dollars for 10 minutes work is good but he really wanted that 20 dollars to do that shit. God Bless the Mexican worker.

  • #2
    Sorry to hear about your dog dude.

    As I've said before, it's not that they are jobs americans won't do - it's jobs that americans won't do for the same money.

    Give someone a grand and they'll throw it over their shoulder and walk home with it dripping on them.


    • #3
      There is no realistic amount of money that I would do it for. If a dead dog was laying in the parking lot at work, I'd quit before I moved it. The guy that moved her didn't even use a bag or gloves he just went and did it. You have to say he earned his money.

      This picture is only a week old so you can see how big of a dog she was. Picture her swelled up, leaking fluids and covered in flys. What would your price be?


      • #4

        (I'd pocket 20 and hire a mexican)


        • #5
          LOL. No shit. Work smart not hard.

