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any one else noticed.....

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  • any one else noticed.....

    how damn good eggos and peanut butter are?

  • #2
    Uhhh, yeah!


    • #3
      I'll have to try that.

      My normal breakfast is a whole wheat english muffin with natty peanut butter on it - so I can't imagine it's that different.


      • #4
        My whole diet is fucked up. I just got put on blood preasure meds, some sort of pill that is supposed to help me quit smoking, and they said my cholesterol is sky high. I am only 27 years old. This is gay. I have basically been bed ridden for the last 3-4 days while the meds get into my system. I have NO energy whatsoever. I didn't think this kind of shit happened to you untill your mid to late thirtys or forties.


        • #5
          I am 39, and will be 40 in March......uuugghhh!
          None of that has happened to me. Maybe you need to exercise more, eat better food, and start sacrificing and drinking the blood of virgins like I do.
          It really goes a long way to maintaining a young healthy appearance.


          • #6
            LOL. Virgins? Dude....those still exist?

            But yeah, I have lost over 10 pounds since monday, i went from 245 to 232. But these blood preasure pills make you piss ALOT.

            I kicked the family of deadbeats out of my house last night, I woke up this morning, and honestly feel better than I have in over a month. So now all I have to do is take better care of myself, clean up everything those muck suckers destroyed in my house, and try to get back to enjoying my life. I need to go to the range. That ALWAYS makes me feel better.


            • #7
              i didnt think it would be much longer before you kicked them out.


              • #8
                Hell no. I was sitting on the couch with my .45, and Doug was sitting opposite me cleaning his new underfolding AK 47. We made sure nobody stole any of my


                • #9
                  Whats better than just peanut butter is my own little cocktail mix thingie.
                  its peanut butter, white karo syrup, and butter mixed together and its like smooth as silk and tastes like heaven :P


                  • #10
                    Virgins? Dude....those still exist?
                    Yes there called toddlers

