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news chopers crash video

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  • news chopers crash video

    News Helicopters Collide (Warning - Disturbing)

  • #2
    I have updated my homepage on in memory of them. The photographer from the Channel 3 crash filmed me & my car for a 3TV segment last year.

    Here is a still shot that a bystander got just prior to ground impact.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by kaptinkaos; 07-27-2007, 08:13 PM.


    • #3
      yep sad day i flew over atlanta 10 years doing radio traffic reporting and had a few close calls our tv news chopper went down once but it was not this bad

      Prayers and condolences to the families


      • #4
        I've been watching a lot of the coverage to see what they show or state about the accident.
        The ironic thing is, that if my truck didn't breakdown this morning, I would of been in the area of that park just after noon when this happened. So I missed the car chase & the helicopter accident.


        • #5
          from what i have seen or heard 15,s flew into 3,s 3 was in a hover so that puts 15,s as the mover
          bet they will not let more then 1 chopper cover something like this anymore. just let them all share the video


          • #6
            The FAA will do something, probably overreact and make life a pain in the ass for everyone. Helicopter crowding is a big problem, but I would seek a practical solution, something like TCAS, with a 360-degree display, maybe.



            • #7


              • #8
                I doubt the FAA will do much of anything other than investigate the crash. There findings will say pilot error. The people that may try to cause a fuss are the city, the studios, and the familys of the 4 dead.

                It all falls back on the pilots. Both pilots are at fault. As pilot in command of that aircraft they are responsible for everything that goes on with it from the time they sit in the seat until the time they shut it down and get out. They were concentraiting on the ground so much, they forgot to look around at what was happening in the air. It's called pilot awareness, neither pilot was watching what was going on around them nor were they communicating with each other by radio. Your head should be outside the cockpit 80% of the time and 20% on the guages. We don't turn or move unless we make sure the area is clear. We call our positions and coordinate everything with either ATC or common traffic. There were at least 4 helicopters in the area covering the story. They should have been more focused on them than on the ground. It is sad to see this happen. The A Stars are not even recognizable. I had to find before pictures to even see what kind of helicopter they were. It is obvious no one was walking out of one. Its a good thing it was over a park and not a crowded street. It could have been much worse.


                • #9

                  I doubt the FAA will do much of anything other than investigate the crash.
                  I thought the NTSB did that. Did they do away with them? Since I lost my medical, I haven't kept up with anything that is going on in aviation.

                  Is there one person to operate the camera and one to fly the helicopter? It seems to me that it should be that way, so that the pilot can be looking around for traffic, but they still don't have 360 degrees visibility. I agree, pilot error, but I still think that they should have an instrument to show all other helicopter traffic around them, and the distance and altitude.



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Morella View Post

                    Is there one person to operate the camera and one to fly the helicopter? It seems to me that it should be that way, so that the pilot can be looking around for traffic, but they still don't have 360 degrees visibility. I agree, pilot error, but I still think that they should have an instrument to show all other helicopter traffic around them, and the distance and altitude.

                    in alot of tv choppers the pilot plays the tv reporter so the 80% outside goes out the window..
                    and when live on tv 100 % is them being the star add to that the tv light in the face...
                    both of these pilots were the reporters as well one of my close calls was with one of them tv stars and just about ran us into the ibm tower in atlanta guy was and still is one hell of a pilot but flying a chopper is a full time and then some job.. the camera guy sits in the back and runs the camera that now days is on the nose of the ship... back in the old days the camera man stood on the skid strapped in and used a hand held camera ...... but then the pilot was just that the pilot...

                    richard have you heard the com traffic yet? it don't sound to good no one knew where anyone was .....

                    also i have heard 6 news choppers and 1 pd unit
                    in atl the police stayed about 100-300 agl and we stayed 800 +


                    • #11
                      The preliminary reports so far is: that it was possible mechanical failure. One of the pilots radioed in that he had lost stick control moments before the crash, but this isn't confirmed until the investigation is done.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by kaptinkaos View Post
                        The preliminary reports so far is: that it was possible mechanical failure. One of the pilots radioed in that he had lost stick control moments before the crash, but this isn't confirmed until the investigation is done.
                        its a cover up

                        no but Astars do have a habbit of the swash bearing going out ......


                        • #13
                          richard have you heard the com traffic yet? it don't sound to good no one knew where anyone was .....
                          No is there link to it somewhere. I would be intersted in hearing more than what the news broadcast show.

                          I thought the NTSB did that. Did they do away with them? Since I lost my medical, I haven't kept up with anything that is going on in aviation.
                          It depends. The NTSB usually sticks with civil aircraft and can designate the FAA to investigate crashes. I don't know how they deciede who does what crash.

                          The preliminary reports so far is: that it was possible mechanical failure. One of the pilots radioed in that he had lost stick control moments before the crash
                          Should read...pilot lost stick control before hitting ground because rotor blades are no longer attached to helicopter.

                          also i have heard 6 news choppers and 1 pd unit
                          in atl the police stayed about 100-300 agl and we stayed 800 +
                          Even at 800 feet you have balls. I prefer to stay as far away from everyone as I can. Not only am I not the best pilot but you never know what the other guy is going to do. I try to avoid instant landings.
                          Last edited by 60Buick; 07-29-2007, 01:13 AM.


                          • #14
                            now they are saying that murder charges are pending against the guy in the chase.

