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The boy who loved hearses...

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  • The boy who loved hearses...

    I can't believe we didn't know about this!

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  • #2
    You know...I gotta say something.

    Everyone in the PCS was kind of a dick to this guy while he was alive, you know, in typical PCS fashion. Referred to him as "The creepy kid with the camera" and never gave him any respect, then all of the sudden he kills himself (yes, SUICIDE, sorry folks, but when a car enthusiast leaves his engine running in a closed garage it isn't an accident, it's a suicide) and the club hasn't shut up about him ever since. He was mentioned in EVERY issue of their magazine for like two years (something he wouldn't have accomplished if he was alive since they never made ANY mention of him before that) and people won't just let it be.

    Ok, let me lay it out here...he was just a guy who liked hearses and happened to be young. I have nothing against him, he always seemed OK to me, but then again I never had any direct involvement with him either, and neither did most of the disingenuous fucks who are now extolling his virtues as though he were a god just because he's dead.

    What, are you afraid that now the persons dead you better kiss their ass because he might see you from heaven with his spooky dead guy powers and smite you? Hey, the time to be nice to him was when he was alive. The time to appreciate what he MIGHT have contributed was prior to the suicide, so stop trying to make up for it now.

    Sorry man, just sick of hearing about this over and over again. I mean, if the guy had done something really substantial that was far reaching and incredible, but come on, he was just an enthusiast like the rest of us, not a god among men worthy of more post humous publicity than Jebus.


    • #3
      Most of that was filmed at the World's Longest Hearse Procession in LA.
      I found my car in that video twice.


      • #4
        That shit is so true about soooo many different things though. It is quite sickening, not to mention annoying. In my eyes two of the worst types of people in the world are hypocrites, and those " holier than thou" types. Put those two together and you have..........The PCS. I heard a PSC member having an interview done not too long ago when I was in New Mexico, and he had the gall to sit there and state" my funeral vehicles are an extension of gods hands here on earth, I help deliver his children to him"....My cousin and I started laughing sooooo hard, that they had to stop the take. Fucking baffoon. Who the fuck does he think he is?


        • #5
          my funeral vehicles are an extension of gods hands here on earth, I help deliver his children to him

          Are you kidding me? How long did it take them to think up that shit? Its a car that was modified to carry the dead.....PERIOD.
          You don't deliver God his children. You haul a pile of dead flesh and bone to a hole in the ground to bury it...PERIOD. Just because there is a ceramony it does not change the fact that you are burying and dead piece of meat.

          Interesting thought: I haul my trash in the hearse to bury it. Am I delivering it to God?

          I wonder what else you can make sound friendly as they did.

          Gas Chamber: A sacred room to pass your souls to God.

          Murder: An early pass to heaven.

          Hanging: Passage to heaven while being further from Hell.

          Body decomposition: God is returning you to earth.

          Burning Alive: Releasing your spirit to the heavens in a cloud of smoke.

          You can make anything sound like a good thing.

          Fucking someone in the ass: effective birth control

          Shit on a stick: a popsickle made of recycled materials and low in fat.

          Shooting heroin in your dick: a higher than life feeling.

          Rape: avoiding aqward first dates

          drug dealer: Entrepreneur


          • #6
            Originally posted by 60Buick View Post

            Interesting thought: I haul my trash in the hearse to bury it. Am I delivering it to God?

            I wonder what else you can make sound friendly as they did.

            Gas Chamber: A sacred room to pass your souls to God.

            Murder: An early pass to heaven.

            Hanging: Passage to heaven while being further from Hell.

            Body decomposition: God is returning you to earth.

            Burning Alive: Releasing your spirit to the heavens in a cloud of smoke.

            You can make anything sound like a good thing.

            Fucking someone in the ass: effective birth control

            Shit on a stick: a popsickle made of recycled materials and low in fat.

            Shooting heroin in your dick: a higher than life feeling.

            Rape: avoiding aqward first dates

            drug dealer: Entrepreneur
            them is some fricking killer lines you crack me up


            • #7


              • #8
                LOL 60Buick! I just laughed out loud right in the middle of the office and confused a couple of the girls here.


                • #9
                  Hey Zack---right on my friend!! But, I hear the PCS is putting together a film about you.....wonder what they will call it?????


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by JustGrim View Post
                    Hey Zack---right on my friend!! But, I hear the PCS is putting together a film about you.....wonder what they will call it?????
                    A few possible titles...

                    The Boy Who Ruined Our Perfectly Respectable And Esteemed Hearse Club.

                    "Dude, where's my procars dignity?"



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by 60Buick View Post

                      Are you kidding me? How long did it take them to think up that shit? Its a car that was modified to carry the dead.....PERIOD.
                      You don't deliver God his children. You haul a pile of dead flesh and bone to a hole in the ground to bury it...PERIOD. Just because there is a ceramony it does not change the fact that you are burying and dead piece of meat.

                      Interesting thought: I haul my trash in the hearse to bury it. Am I delivering it to God?

                      I wonder what else you can make sound friendly as they did.

                      Gas Chamber: A sacred room to pass your souls to God.

                      Murder: An early pass to heaven.

                      Hanging: Passage to heaven while being further from Hell.

                      Body decomposition: God is returning you to earth.

                      Burning Alive: Releasing your spirit to the heavens in a cloud of smoke.

                      You can make anything sound like a good thing.

                      Fucking someone in the ass: effective birth control

                      Shit on a stick: a popsickle made of recycled materials and low in fat.

                      Shooting heroin in your dick: a higher than life feeling.

                      Rape: avoiding aqward first dates

                      drug dealer: Entrepreneur

                      Were those not some of Kevorkian's business mottos?....fucking douche baskets

                      Just got off of the phone with my cousin, he says he swears he has a 45 second video clip of the dipshit saying most of it, he says it cuts off in the middle of our laughing fit because he dropped the camera. I told him to cough it up. I guess we'll see.
                      Last edited by StrayCat; 08-10-2007, 05:23 PM. Reason: because i fucking said so.


                      • #12
                        Hearse owners, fucking christ, if there is a group of dumbasses who over-estimates their importance and accomplishments more I would be really surprised.

                        I mean, I am one and I still get fucking annoyed with them. From the dipshits who think that they started the first hearse club and everyone else is a sorry immitation to the dumbasses who talk about owning a "Rare" 1975 Superior with a 501 engine to the just general dipshittery that so many of the people in this hobby delve into without even flinching. Shit, at least I am well aware of all my own absurdity and don't take it seriously.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Zachary View Post
                          Hearse owners, fucking christ, if there is a group of dumbasses who over-estimates their importance and accomplishments more I would be really surprised.

                          I mean, I am one and I still get fucking annoyed with them. From the dipshits who think that they started the first hearse club and everyone else is a sorry immitation to the dumbasses who talk about owning a "Rare" 1975 Superior with a 501 engine to the just general dipshittery that so many of the people in this hobby delve into without even flinching. Shit, at least I am well aware of all my own absurdity and don't take it seriously.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by StrayCat View Post


                            • #15
                              I've heard from many people that when he was alive he walked around with a knife in his back.

