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NHAA Documentary?

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  • NHAA Documentary?

    I know this idea has been thrown around more than once, but after watching the first 10 minutes of that 'boy who loved hearses' thing it got me thinking - why don't we do something chronicling our history and our current existance?

    Maybe each club that is part of the NHAA do a 10 minute segment showing some of their more entertaining stuff (get togethers, parades, donuts, parties, etc...) have a history of the club from someone in it, show some of the cars and the people and maybe their story with it. Then we'll get all of it together and force Chace at gunpoint to put it all together into a kick ass dvd and send it back to the clubs to copy and distribute to their members. Just something fun to do I think.

    Any thoughts, comments?


  • #2
    who has a video camera and editing skills?


    • #3
      We've got Chace - I'm not sure if you've seen his movies, but they are just awful. Makes him the perfect producer.


      • #4
        mmmm, Donuts.


        • #5


          • #6
            Sounds good to me


            • #7
              We are working on such a project for the Denver Hearse Association, perhaps we could change the angle of it a little to make it encompass the NHAA spectrum as well.


              • #8
                Fuckin sweet go for it


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Psychoholic View Post
                  We've got Chace - I'm not sure if you've seen his movies, but they are just awful. Makes him the perfect producer.

                  Speaking of which, I leave later today to go be assistant director on a film called "Super Tromette Action Movie GO!" It's being shot in D.C. But I'll only be gone till Sept.

                  But yeah we can do that, it'd be easier is EVERYONE could shoot on DV, then just get me the tapes, I can exploit the equipment at the TV station to edit it together and put it on disc.

                  oh and here's the website and myspace for STAMGO if anyone's interested.




                  • #10
                    No offense, by any means, but if you do a full and accurate history of Dead-Ends at any rate, it will be a 3 season soap opera. Hey there's an idea!!!!!! I bet we would get better ratings than 6 feet under!

                    On second thought, nevermind. Then you will have to show proof that Chase and Myself got fat over the years. I want everyone to remember my girlish figure!


                    • #11

