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I have a little story to tell

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  • I have a little story to tell

    First off. If you are offended by any of the following, ( genital crabs, tuxedos, weddings, RAID bug spray, hospitals, chemical burns ) or anything of that nature, do not read this story. Because it is true.

    Also let this be a lesson. If you tell me something funny. I promise to spread it all over the internet, so others can share in my amusement. I am here for the people.

    A very good friend of mine's dad was going to his brothers wedding. He got the tux at the last moment, and in the hurry of things, the through the tux on with no underwear on, and flew to the wedding.
    After a the wedding and a severe night of drinking, he wakes up and his cock and balls itch like hell. so he scratches to the point of it stinging. He goes to the doctor, and the doctor tells him he has a very bad case of crabs, and he had gotten them from the guy who previously wore his tuxedo. He couldn't afford the meds at the time, so he goes home.
    After washing and scrubbing and not having anything work, he looks under the sink and spots spray can of raid bug spray. He figures" fuck it, it is supposed to kill bugs right?" He sprays the whole can on his stuff, waits a few minutes, and wipes it off. When he wakes up the next m,orning, his cock and balls had swollen to emense proportions, and it was red and buring like a mother fucker. He grabs hold of his stuff, and skin starts peeling off into his hand. he flies to the hospital to find that the raid had given him SEVERE chemical burns all over his genitals. So, in the end, he got a deformed set of tools, a whole lot of doctors and nurses who are probably thinking back and laughing to this day, and one major lesson.


  • #2
    or you could just buy your own tux


    • #3
      tell the had the crabs didn't you.

