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Hearse Magazine

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  • Hearse Magazine

    I would like to submit an idea that I think would be the absolute coolest thing ever. However, I believe it would take an incredible amount of effort. Anyway, here goes…

    A good friend of mine has a great interest in the Ford Bronco. He is a member of a Bronco forum that generated enough interest and support within their community that they had their own bimonthly magazine created. Here is the website Bronco Driver. Basically, as I understand it, they had a few individuals with the time and talent to put together an idea and approached Primedia. Primedia is a magazine publishng company for the special interest market. They take care of the publishing and distribution of this magazine. As far as the content it is both written by the people on the message board, both through regular writers and through submissions. My friend brought this up to me because he thought that it might be cool if we could put something similar together. I don't even know that Primedia would be interested. I mean we are a special interest group, but it may just prove to be too special to even fool with.

    Now, I realize that it would take a tremendous amount of time and energy to start and keep this thing going. Unfortunately, I live in a state that is practically dead (sorry for the pun) as far as the hearse or ambulance scene goes. So I know it is real easy for me to suggest such an idea without being able to step up with a bunch of content. I’m just kind of throwing the idea out there just in case their might be a few self-sacrificing individuals that might have the talent, time and energy to pursue this.

    I decided about 8 or 9 months ago that I was not going to renew my PCS membership. Though I know their entire membership does not consist of the narrow minded, there is enough to make me not want to be apart of their organization. I have heard many times how some people join the PCS for their magazine alone. How cool would it be to not only have our own magazine, but to have a magazine that anyone could wonder into the nearest books-a-million and pick up a copy.

    Anyway, just an idea, it might have already been discussed before or it might not have. I’d be willing to help in anyway I can. Unfortunately, as I mentioned there is not much going on here as far as hearses and ambulances go, but if we had a nationally circulated magazine that might change.

  • #2
    sounds like a good idea to me.


    • #3
      I was actually thinking about this as well. I would love to head something like this. I have enough knowlage, I have the funds for travel to cover different areas and states, not to mention overseas. And there is never a lack in subject matter. Plus I have a list of over 450 places to find parts, cars and restoration supplies. OOOOOOo....this could be fun and give me a fuckton of stuff to do during my free time. Which I have alot of.


      • #4
        I would be down for helping with content as well as advertising and promotion.


        • #5
          Isn't there a hearse magazine out the called night Doings or something like that? I think they added me on myspace awhile back but I am having a hard time finding them.


          • #6
            try this at the MySpace site....

            Night-Doings Hearsezine


            • #7
              Night Doings is OK, nothing personal against them, but it reads a lot more like a cluttered webpage than an actual periodical.

              The problem with most hearse related endeavors is that they rarely follow any sort of form.


              • #8
                I agree, it is cluttered


                • #9
                  I think that a magazine will have some roving reporters, but allow other people to send in their articles and photos (and usually throw them in the garbage).

                  Anyway, it should have the top stories on the cover, and a complete index of articles on the next page.



                  • #10
                    GraveRides Magazine

                    GraveRides Magazine is a print and digital full color magazine created to support the Hearse enthusiast. 1st issue release 1/2013.
                    Night Doings was a former publication created by a talented writer and Hearse owner Arthur U. several years ago.
                    We have asked Arthur if he would provide content for GraveRides, We have also asked Nik White of the Coffin Cartell and Lou Farah of Pro Cars International for contributions.
                    GraveRides will be produced Monthly in print and digital format and is supported by a interactive web site that is updated weekly, information and magazine subscriptions can be found at or on facebook at
                    We would love contributions from anyone interested in providing new and interesting content, pictures, news story's, How to's or event and show coverage Contact GraveRides if you are interesting in contributing. email:
                    Dave Cash - GraveRides Publisher / Chairman of the Morgue


                    • #11
                      Looks like we have a twitcher here. Guess we should've used the double tap rule.

                      Wow, this thread is so old I honestly didn't remember starting it.


                      • #12
                        So, I would be interested in writing for something like this, I used to write for a blog called Eden Cafe.

                        Anyways, if you decided to go forward with something like this lemme know!


                        • #13
                          Actually this is a thread I don't mind being brought back from the dead. Relevant post was relevant, please carry on.

                          I did an interview for The Coffin Cruisers "This Mourning News" and they sent me a copy or two for it. I know there have been other dedicated hearse magazines but I don't recall them.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Scary Guy View Post
                            Actually this is a thread I don't mind being brought back from the dead. Relevant post was relevant, please carry on.

                            I did an interview for The Coffin Cruisers "This Mourning News" and they sent me a copy or two for it. I know there have been other dedicated hearse magazines but I don't recall them.
                            Yeah, I don't really disagree with you about the relevance. I just kind of thought that instead of necrofying an ancient thread it might have been a little better to add to the newer thread on the subject. However, I thought I would add this reply to keep it alive, as I do think the subject is as important as when I started this thread and I hope the Grave Rides magazine does well, so that we all have nice publication to look forward to.


                            • #15
                              The PCS has a monthly mag that is good. It is strictly stock cars, and covers their events too.

