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Anyone else have douchebags......?

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  • Anyone else have douchebags......?

    This guy has finally pissed me off to the point of violence. He called the county on me once for having so many cars, but they couldn't do anything bacuse they were all on solid ground. This is what the motherfucker did. ....

    I took the 59 out for an afternoon drive today, so i had to move caseys nissan and my nissan, plus casey's hearse out of the way untill i got back. They were blocking me in. The moment I left the hood, that dicksuckingasslickingcuntfacedcheeseytacosonofabit ch called the county and had them at my house before i got back. so of course, there were 3 cars in the yard. HE MUST MAVE BEEN WAITING MONTHS FOR THIS OPERTUNITY. I hat people like him, and there is no place in normal civilized society for cunts like this. They are ruining America and everything that we stand for. America was built on cars, women, odd places to see, and road trips. I have the right to do as my father has done, my grandfather has done, and my great grandfather was barely able to do ( only because he was a teenager before there were cars at His ass is mine. I know he goes out for morning runs on the weekend. Anyone have a HUGE truck I can borrow?

  • #2
    is there a law against cars in the yard and not the driveway?


    • #3
      yes there is. i have 3 yellow citations saying so. so we are going to fuck him up. I am tearing up half my front yard , and I am going to put down a border and gravel, then i can park as many cars as i want here. Anyone need a place to store a coach or 2? I would be MORE THAN HAPPY to let them stay here with us! SERIOUSLY.


      • #4
        thats why i dont live in gwinnett county.


        • #5
          Time to start collecting dead animals and put them on his porch one night(not that I have any experience doing that, lol).

          I had a neighbor who called the police because she said my front tree was over her yard and I needed to cut it(this tree is pretty damn big). Me and the cop were there are high noon and looked at the shadow. Sure was about 3 inches of shadow on the driveway. Little does the lady know that the previous owner paved about 2 feet of their driveway onto my property line...but I told them it was alright. So pretty much i still had a good 21 inches of property to go before it crossed the threshold of her lawn.

          I tell the cop this and he gets a chuckle. Then we notice that the tree in her backyard is COMPLETELY covering my roof...along with her neighbor two doors down. The guy directly next to her has his house further back but her tree encompasses his whole front yard. The cop went back and knocked on her door...and thats when i went snickering behind a bush to hear the convo. Lets just say we havent heard anything about my tree anymore.

          My cat is an indoor/outdoor variety and likes to hunt but not eat it. instead he likes to bring me presents. This lady never goes out back of her house(or mows or does yardwork) so lets just say that magically a pile of dead animals started and grew all summer was pretty bad. I wish I would have seen her face when she finally went out back.


          • #6
            Oh god. We have 11 cats. all indoor/outdoor. and 85% of them are solid black,( we are just cool like that), and all of our neighbors( exept for the asshole in question, but he lives 3 houses over) LOVE our cats. We live in a very nice neighborhood. And EVERYBODY has huge gardens, and our cats go through all of their gardens and kill moles and mice. They love them. Unfortunately, as you said, they all end up either on my front porch, or in my garage next to my motorcycle. But I think my wife scared the shit out of the dickhead, and I know I did. After the cop left here she took off across our lawn with my sniper rifle, and i had to fight her to drag her back inside. But I got back from shooting yesterday morning, and when i pulled 2 ak47's, 2 sks, a thompson with the drum mag of course, and then all of our various pistol cases out of the back of my wifes murano, he ran into the house so fast i thought he had gone up in a puff of smoke. AND OF COURSE HE CALLED THE COPS ABOUT IT. They called me laughing. They asked if i had gone into his yard with them, i said no, they asked if i pointed anything at him with him not being in my yard, i said no, they said, ok, good day sir. THAT had to piss him off.


            • #7
              End of problem


              • #8
                you went shooting without me? lol


                • #9
                  First off you never answer your phone, secondly, you rarely if ever answer your IMs


                  • #10

                    when i pulled 2 ak47's, 2 sks, a thompson with the drum mag of course, and then all of our various pistol cases out of the back of my wifes murano, he ran into the house so fast i thought he had gone up in a puff of smoke.
                    I'm always afraid that people will come back to the house and try to steal the guns if I do that, but now that I'm stuck here on disablity anyway, I guess it doesn't matter.

                    My dog (whom I had raised from 4 mos) just died. He was 9 years old. He snuck into one of the cars while a door was open and I closed the door not knowing he was in there, and 6 hours later, we found him curled up on the floor behind one of the seats, dead. Needless to say, I'm breaking down now...I just killed my best friend...but anyway, my neighbor took the body to be disposed. I couldn't do it. When we were discussing what to do with the body, it never occured to me just to toss it into the neighbors' swimming pool.

                    These are the people who had just moved in when their dogs, a Rottweiler and Doberman, smashed down my fence and tried to enter my house through the doggie door. My (late) dog, just a little thing, chased both of those dogs back into their yard. I had just gotten out of the hospital, was bleeding internally, and when I went over and knocked on their door to ask for help fixing the fence, they wouldn't answer it. So, I strapped on my gunbelt over my bathrobe and put screws in the fence. Their dogs were yapping at me and trying to bite my hands the whole time, and they were just watching through their back window. They weren't scared of my gun...they couldn't have seen it through the fence. They were just assholated people.

                    The first time Tony came back here with his truck, they came over and bitched about him parking it too close to their house. I didn't see who was at the door, but later he told me that they probably expected to see me at the door, and he surprised them. I told him that he was lucky that I didn't answer the door. I would be too tempted to shoot him and put a gun in his hand. At the very least, I would have told him that he didn't own the street, and there wasn't any law against parking in front of his house, as long as the driveway wasn't blocked.

                    If those people pull one more thing, I'm going to make a hole in the fence, wait for their damned dogs to come through, and shoot them both, in my yard. I don't even know who the fence belongs to, but it's their responsibility to keep their dogs in. If these people knew how I was feeling right now, they would not fuck with me.



                    • #11
                      Sorry to hear about all the shit Denise. This has been a suck year for you. Hope things turn around soon.


                      • #12
                        lol i answer when i'm not out of town. it's cool....are you going to be around tomarrow?


                        • #13
                          Here's an update for you........

                          They are moving out LMAO!!!!!

                          VICTORY IS MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          They put the for sale sign out today and started boxing up all their shit.

                          Should I be this satisfied?


                          • #14
                            Yes, that's always a cause for celebration, when they move out. Same for the ones with the loud stereos.

                            I got a new dog, 4 mos. old but already bigger than the old one. He is supposed to be a Shepherd mix, but he has a big head that looks just like Marmaduke. He might be more Great Dane. He likes to bite people, which doesn't bother me, but some people freak over it. He doesn't always come when I call him, but he is becoming attached to me, and gets better every day. We have a doggie door, so he doesn't crap on the carpet, but anybody who has had to go through it all again with a puppy knows how difficult it is. He is helping me part out the Deville...every time he goes outside, he tears off a piece and brings it back in the house to me.

                            This year does suck, but I'm trying to make the best of it. When I finally get done with this disability paperwork, my parents are going to draw from my inheritance and send me to the Mayo Clinic. I didn't know that I had an inheritance coming, so that was at least some good news. I don't think I have much of a chance, but if I can be fixed and get off of the medicines, I'll go drive a truck with Tony or something, and I'll be soap box racing and restoring cars again. I'm not even busting my balls to get the airplane sold. I'm holding out hope until all of my chances are gone, although this is probably the last one.



                            • #15
                              Such hostility....granted its warranted...but I don't want you getting in trouble for them being a-holes. if that happens, then ultimately in the end, they win.

