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The dumbest woman on the planet

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  • The dumbest woman on the planet

  • #2
    I love that.

    "I really want to do this. To everyone else, it seems like a stupid thing to do. To me, $10,000 is like $1 million. I only live once, and I'm doing it for my son ... It's a small sacrifice to build a better future for my son."

    I wonder if we offered her 20k to off herself and we'd give it to her son, just so he wouldn't have to grow up knowing his mom was the white trash who did something just sooooo stupid.


    • #3
      Did you see the clevage advertisement girl they also did? Sheesh!


      • #4
        Ok, well I see this one from a different angle...

        Ok, I wasn't a big fan of the gimp who got a Myspace tattoo, but honestly, I see a lot of people get pretty fucking gay tattoos DAILY and they get nothing for it. FUcking TERRORFACT tattoos for Christ sake, I mean REALLY, it's not even a widely recognized band and shit tons of people get those tattoos, so yeah, in my thinking $10,000 for a questionable tattoo isn't absurd, or at least no more absurd than the fags with the Nike swish logo (putting that anywhere on your car or body should be grounds for cock punchunching)


        • #5
          LOL.....I was soo going to photoshop a white nikeswoosh(I hate that word even) on the side of you hair Zac....but then I realized I don't feel like looking at that symbol anymore than I have to.

          Did you mean Terrorfakt....or Terrorfact?


          • #6
            i used to be a body piercer, and working in a shop realy makes you realize what fucking morons we have on our planet.

