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Solo flight

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  • Solo flight

    I had my first solo flijght tonight. Would you believe someone was dumb enough to trust me flying a 200,000 dollar helicopter by myself/ Well I did and I didn't even fuck up the helicopter. The fact that it is reusable and iam alive is awesome. What better way to celebrate than to have a few beers with your instructor than go to another bar and have half a dozen more than come home and finish getting shit faced. needless to say I am not goiung to work tomorrow.

  • #2
    Congrats man. You'll be flying 'Black CIA helicopters' before you know it.


    • #3
      What better way to celebrate than to have a few beers with your instructor than go to another bar and have half a dozen more than come home and finish getting shit faced.
      Have a few beers with your instructor then go to another bar and have half a dozen more then come home and finish getting shit faced, then go back to the helicopter and take it up again.

      Obviously you need some real flying lessons. Only a pusscake waits until he gets his license to get drunk, smoke some dope and go buzz around in an aircraft. About 5 or landings or so, you can start smoking dope on your solos, otherwise you'll get too paranoid to land the fucking thing and you'll have to fly around until you "come down" a little before you can come down.

      Well fuck you FAA, I'll never get my medical back anyway.



      • #4
        I have to dissapiont. I was unable to finish getting shitfaced. I didn't even puke or passout. I think vomit is the first sign of being drunk. I went home and then had 4 or 5 more and that was it. Thats a lot of beer but not to be confused with being shitfaced.

        then go back to the helicopter and take it up again.
        Only if you will ride with me


        • #5
          years ago metro ambo service got a new ship the 2 pilots had been clubing and hooked up with 2 ladys .. to show there stuff they took the ladys for a late night flght.. so they pull it out of the shop hanger(keyword shop) and off they go running out of fuel due to the lines being off to be replaced they got fired


          • #6
            then go back to the helicopter and take it up again.
            Only if you will ride with me

            You've got it. Actually, I wouldn't, but your sake only. They could scrape me off of an instrument panel and make it a closed casket funeral for all care.

            I had much more to say, but there's no point. Forget my earlier advice. You probably have shit to live for.

            Grats, is what I should say. Did they take a piece of your shirt?


