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I feel like I am going to die.

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  • I feel like I am going to die.

    Rode our bikes up to Helen Ga this weekend. I thought I may have pulled my groin muscle from the ride up there,( mainly cause i' not used to such a WIDE bike,), but come to find out, I sprained my fucking ankle, and the inflamation went all the way up my fucking left leg. You see, I was trying to figure out exactly WHEN I could have possibly done this, cause when I got off of the bike in Helen I was fine. And for several hours after that I was fine. It hit me at fucking 2 am, after I had been asleep for about an hour. It took one whole extra day and a night to get the pain to go away enough where I felt like I could ride home. Which apparently, wasn't such a good idea, cause i didn't find out it was my ankle untill i got back in town here, and i have forward controls on my bike, and this was the leg i use to shift with, so i prolly messed it up even more.
    Apparently i fell to the ground sometime friday night. I don't think i was drunk enough for this to have happened, but still i am confused.
    Either way. it was FUCKING AWESOME, and more than well worth the pain, and my next 3 to 4 days of hobbling rather than walking. I must do these things MUCH more often. It was nice to feel alive again.

  • #2
    Glad you made it back ok man. I have a pic of you falling down drunk in the streets of helen - probably happened after we pretended we were a 4 door car going through the wendy's drive thru.


    • #3
      Holy shit! So I WAS that gone? When I woke up at 2 am i didn't even have a slight buzz left going on. Sweet. Good times, very good times.

      Oh and by the way. Kessler, brat, and knockwerst, combined with a mound of saurkraut, make for the worst smelling farts on the planet. I let one go that ran Casey out of the hotel room, and when she returned she had divorce papers in her


      • #4
        oh yes, you were most definitly that gone. what do u expect 3 pitchers, 7 bars (aka:7 more beers), and 2 shots later? i'm impressed noone was hung over.


        • #5
          lol sounds like a good time.


          • #6
            Are you counting the Irish Car Bombs as 1 shot - because technically it was half a guiness and a shot in addition to the 3 pitches of heavy german beer and the 7 bars...


            • #7
              Originally posted by Psychoholic View Post
              Are you counting the Irish Car Bombs as 1 shot - because technically it was half a guiness and a shot in addition to the 3 pitches of heavy german beer and the 7 bars...
              I don't know how many there were really. lol. I know the two of us were neck in neck as far as drink volume, untill i stole Caseys last beer after the irish carbombs. I wanted another car bomb,lol, ( but nnnnnoooooo, Chris thought that might not be a good I guess he just wasn't feeling up to carrying me back to the hotel. OH YEAH!. Tell Nikki she needs to learn how to slow the fuck down dude. She was walking like you were chasing her with a cattle prod, and the faster i had to walk, the more my blood pumped, and the more my blood pumped, the drunker i fucking got,lol.


              • #8
                well I was... but I do see your point. oh, n u know there trying to charge us for that damn hair dryer! i think Billy told them what the fuck happened, so i think its cool, but STILL!!! oh, n our shoes were dry by the time WE left... hehe


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Psychoholic View Post
                  Glad you made it back ok man. I have a pic of you falling down drunk in the streets of helen - probably happened after we pretended we were a 4 door car going through the wendy's drive thru.

                  you HAVE TO post pics!!! even if its on mycrack... i mean myspace


                  • #10
                    Attached Files


                    • #11

                      FUCK YEAH!!!!!!


                      • #12
                        This is one of my favorites..
                        Attached Files


                        • #13
                          and thats only the the 1st one!!!! its like before and after...


                          • #14
                            Dude that's I was sooooo fucked up by that point, thats where i tripped over the curb. cause yo wife was walki8ng to fast for my intoxicated ass to keep up!


                            • #15
                              that, n i think we may have stumbled into each other!!!

