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Ever wish you were from somewhere...

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  • Ever wish you were from somewhere...

    ...that didn't have an embarassingly bad football team?

    Jaguars beat the Falcons 13-7. The freakin Jaguars!?

    I'd hate to be a fair weather fan, but I'm really thinking it's time to start liking the Patriots instead - then maybe when you listen to recaps you won't immediately think 'gee, I wonder how badly did they get the shit kicked out of them this week?'.


  • #2
    I not Embarrassed about being from a city with a team that is losing.........confused and a little frustrated would be me right now.

    The Saints were one game short of going to the Superbowl last year and truly should have won the game against the bears!!! (hell most of the country was pulling for them).

    We have lost BADLY the first 2 games being the Colts in which I sort of expected to lose to, but not 41-10. Now this weekend we lose to Tampa Bay...31-14 OUCH!!! The sad thing is the team is basically the same as last season with just a few added to improve. I'm not giving up on them and will continue to pull for them.

    I would say to you to stick with the is alright to have a back up team that you like as well. My sister pulls for the Falcons, but then also the Colts.


    • #3
      Thats why you gotta get into "real" is my boy Shinsuke Nakamura of the Glasgow Celtic(my team).


      • #4
        new york giants, hav always been a fan and always will for some reasson

