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Arrrrrggh, the Hearse Nazis march again ...

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  • Arrrrrggh, the Hearse Nazis march again ...

    Just received another "friendly reminder" from the Hearse Nazis down at my local municipality office.

    This time, they are trying to get me on having a non-functional vehicle for greater than 7 days. Give me a friggin' break. Now I gotta go through the hassles of throwing it back together (temporarily) and moving it. Unfortunately, I don't have either the time or all the new parts to put it back together the way I want to.

    I'm not really looking for suggestions or answers ... just wanting a sympathic ear, from folk who understand.

    I know that they are just picking on me because it is a hearse ... as my neighbor across the street has had a non-functional, non-licensed non-hearse in the front yard for a couple of years now and they don't pay it no nevermind. But, I don't bitch about his car, 'cuz I think he should be able to do what he wants and have what he wants, so I don't whine to the city about it.

    Last time I went through one of these pissin' matches, it turned out to be a friggin realtor that was trying to sell a house in the neighborhood that whined to the city ... it wasn't even one of my neighbors.

    Meddling assholes.


  • #2
    Give him/her the option-"elbow or knee?" Then destroy both of them.


    • #3

      I'm not really looking for suggestions or answers
      You're gonna get one anyway, just because I love you. Don't do any more than it takes to put it on the wheels, then invite some friends and/or use a vehicle and move the car around a little. If your neighbors are fucking with you, do it at night.

      Sometimes there is the option of using another vehicle or a fence to hide it.



      • #4
        If the car is in your front yard or on the street in front of your house , I can see thier point. When I had to keep my car parked in front of the house, I moved it around 2xs a week and washed it 2xs a month. That kept the HOA off of my ass. After a few months I saved enough money to intall an RV gate. Problem solved.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Morella View Post
          You're gonna get one anyway, just because I love you. Don't do any more than it takes to put it on the wheels, then invite some friends and/or use a vehicle and move the car around a little. If your neighbors are fucking with you, do it at night.

          Sometimes there is the option of using another vehicle or a fence to hide it.

          LOL, just because you love me? How much? Top cog?

          Yes, it appears as though I am gonna have to play the "vehicle shell game shuffle" for a little while. I have rearranged things in the back yard to hide it in a corner, at least until the heat's off.



          • #6
            Originally posted by BIGEVIL View Post
            If the car is in your front yard or on the street in front of your house , I can see thier point. When I had to keep my car parked in front of the house, I moved it around 2xs a week and washed it 2xs a month. That kept the HOA off of my ass. After a few months I saved enough money to intall an RV gate. Problem solved.
            Well, it is in the driveway, yes. My problem is that my driveway is the only decent place that I have to work on the hearse, as it is too large to fit in the garage.

            My mistake was having it on jackstands for a few weeks. I guess in all reality, the thing that grinds me the most is that I know that if it would have been a different vehicle, they probably wouldn't have messed with it ... unless it was there for a LONG time.

            Question though; what do you mean by the term RV gate?


            • #7
              Question though; what do you mean by the term RV gate?
              The gate going from the front yard to the back yard was widened from 4ft to 8ft wide so I can park a car on the side of my house, but it is still in the back yard and hidden behind the fence.
              Many people that live in HOA neighborhoods park recreational vehicles (hence the term RV) or trailers out of sight on the side of the house.
              I am on your side, but any car on jackstands in a driveway for a length of time does look kind of tacky. I would leave the hood bolted on and only jack it up on stands while you are working on it.
              Just my $.02


              • #8
                Thank goodness i live in the country! Does the car have tags on it? How can they stop a person from working on a car in the yard ? what does the city law say about it? I would go around the neighbor and city taking pictures of other cars in yards being worked on etc date the pics. see how long others are being left alone for the same reason but a different type vehicle. and present my case as harassment with new dated pics. if you are a easy going person just hide it from view. I get my hackles up easy when folks don't leave me alone. why can folks spend so much energy on banning a car and not do one damn thing about the war profit going on high up??? People who yell the loudest have the dirtiest porch..

                so far none of my neighbors have complained, but i have not had the hearse home long either. the first ride thru the"hood" lead to a steady stream of traffic creeping by my house trying to get a look at it, but they also know they will get shot at if fucking around my house and i have 7 american bulldogs, 3 guarding the hearse out back. Belive it or not i don't like to fight, just don't want any assholes in my bubble, you pop it i get real evil.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BIGEVIL View Post
                  The gate going from the front yard to the back yard was widened from 4ft to 8ft wide so I can park a car on the side of my house, but it is still in the back yard and hidden behind the fence.
                  Many people that live in HOA neighborhoods park recreational vehicles (hence the term RV) or trailers out of sight on the side of the house.
                  I am on your side, but any car on jackstands in a driveway for a length of time does look kind of tacky. I would leave the hood bolted on and only jack it up on stands while you are working on it.
                  Just my $.02
                  Ok, I got your meaning on the gate now. Yes, I have a large gate on the side leading to the backyard, and during the winter that's where it goes.

                  I guess I need to figger something out for working on it in the back ... that might keep the meddlers at bay.

                  Thanx for the $.02


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by badkitty View Post
                    Thank goodness i live in the country! Does the car have tags on it? How can they stop a person from working on a car in the yard ? what does the city law say about it? I would go around the neighbor and city taking pictures of other cars in yards being worked on etc date the pics. see how long others are being left alone for the same reason but a different type vehicle. and present my case as harassment with new dated pics. if you are a easy going person just hide it from view. I get my hackles up easy when folks don't leave me alone. why can folks spend so much energy on banning a car and not do one damn thing about the war profit going on high up??? People who yell the loudest have the dirtiest porch..

                    so far none of my neighbors have complained, but i have not had the hearse home long either. the first ride thru the"hood" lead to a steady stream of traffic creeping by my house trying to get a look at it, but they also know they will get shot at if fucking around my house and i have 7 american bulldogs, 3 guarding the hearse out back. Belive it or not i don't like to fight, just don't want any assholes in my bubble, you pop it i get real evil.
                    Yes, the car is legally tagged. To the best of my knowledge, none of my neighbors have complained either ... like I said, last time it was an outsider (realtor) ... and guess what ... the house 2 doors down is up for sale ... coincidence? Maybe, maybe not.

                    You know, I thought about approaching it from a "What about this guy and what about that guy?" standpoint to the city ... but, like I said, those cars don't bother me and I don't want to "rat" on those guys and have the city hassle them. I dunno, it's a hard decision.

                    For now, I am gonna get it out of sight for awhile and see if they quit messing with me. If they are persistent, and insist on pursuing it, I may have to do something different.

                    I know what you mean though ... it sure seems like they could be doing something other than messing around with this kind of nit-picky crap.

                    Last edited by Thirsty; 09-20-2007, 06:16 PM. Reason: speeling ... umm, spelling


                    • #11

                      LOL, just because you love me? How much? Top cog?
                      My doctor and I made a deal...I don't whip people with fan belts anymore, and he doesn't give me weekly coloscopies. My neck and shoulders have had it...I'm permanently disabled.

                      I love all of you guys, even the assholes, as long as you're not an asshole to me. You'll find that out if you meet me...if I need somebody to cuddle with or sleep on and you're available, you'll have company, unless you tell me to go away.

                      That reminds me of a funny story...I was 16 and totally smashed with some friends, and they introduced me to some guy. The next day, they asked if I liked him, and I was still drunk (or drunk again), and I said, "I like everyone, 'til they fuck with me". They never let me live that down, but there was a better one with the same group.

                      One of the guys had been drinking beer and wine (yecch), and we had to practically carry him into Denny's. The waitress was behind me somewhere, and I said, "When the waitress gets back, I'll get us some more syrup." He said, "When the waitress gets back, I'm gonna make love to her", and when I looked over, she was standing right there.



                      • #12
                        Open Records Request

                        Thirsty (or anyone else having problems with the local Man) way to throw the PIA (Pain in ass) you are experiencing and make it unpleasant for the officials when they have to talk to you is to use a seldom used avenue of making an Open Records Request (usually just a simple form or letter to the department talking to you)...they have only so many hours after you request the information on who made the complaint to give you the name or advise how long it will take them to get it. If you do this each and every time -- believe me, they will try to talk the complainer out of filing a complaint just to avoid the possiblility of a harassment complaint lodged against them or the department. Plus, you know exactly who complained on you. They will "advise" the complaintant in the future that his/her identity is open to discovery if they wish to file against you. Usually it goes no further.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by JustGrim View Post
                          Thirsty (or anyone else having problems with the local Man) way to throw the PIA (Pain in ass) you are experiencing and make it unpleasant for the officials when they have to talk to you is to use a seldom used avenue of making an Open Records Request (usually just a simple form or letter to the department talking to you)...they have only so many hours after you request the information on who made the complaint to give you the name or advise how long it will take them to get it. If you do this each and every time -- believe me, they will try to talk the complainer out of filing a complaint just to avoid the possiblility of a harassment complaint lodged against them or the department. Plus, you know exactly who complained on you. They will "advise" the complaintant in the future that his/her identity is open to discovery if they wish to file against you. Usually it goes no further.
                          Hmmmm... that seems like good information. If things get uglier, I will keep this in mind, thanks.

                          For now, I cobbled it back together well enough to start it and limp it into the back ... I am hoping that the "out of site, out of mind" concept makes them go away.

                          Last time though, I could have used this information, as they didn't have any "legal" ordinance violation on me. They were on the warpath just because it was a hearse.

                          This time they got me for having it in the front and "non-functional" for more than 7 days (it has been like 3 weeks).

                          Technically they got me, but it still bites.


                          • #14
                            I guess I've been lucky. The only complaint I've had was a beautiful certificate congratulating me on having the ugliest yard in the neighborhood, and most likely to open up a used car lot. I can understand about the property values, though, because we have to sell our house once we get settled in at the ranch. Then it's no more neighbors or emissions testing. We want our equity to pay for building our new house.


