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fuck the dog

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  • fuck the dog

    For the fourth time, my dog bolted out the front door and ignored me when I called him back, and this time, I'm not even going after him. If he doesn't want to live here, he doesn't have to. He's chipped, so the shelter may call or someone may bring him back, but I might just take him back there and he can go back in the cage with three other dogs.

    It's just like some buy them toys, the best food, everything they want, and they shit all over you, take all of your stuff and leave. I'm beginning to wonder if I really need a dog or not. Sure wish I had my old one back.


  • #2
    dogs are a lot like people, but they do love there owner unconditionaly. take my dog. i only have her cuz my dad died, and no1 else would take her. no, she isnt the best dog in the world, but i love her. i feed her, and she snaps at my kid, i bath her, and she scratches the fuck outa me, but at night, u know where she is? at my feet. if he is chipped, you'll get him back. and when you get that call to pick him up, you will drop everything, an go get him. even if hes not you "old" dog, he will still wag that tail when he sees you.


    • #3
      I'm moving to Europe next year, and more than anything else here, I'm gonna miss my dogs.


      • #4
        I got the dog back, but he's locked in the crate, and going back tomorrow. I'm too sick to care for a puppy, especially one that runs away every chance he gets, and he pulls on a leash so hard that I have to use a choke collar to walk him. I had to jump on him and tackle him to get him into the crate after chasing him through his dog door, chasing him back in and locking the door, then he wanted to run away from me inside the house, which was why I finally jumped on him. He's not affectionate like all of the other dogs I've had, and less obedient than a cat.

        He's not my old dog, who would stand in the front yard until I told him that he could move. He just lives for himself, and I already have Jenny doing that.



        • #5
          What breed of dog is it?


          • #6
            if ya gunna hav a dog, hav a dog or two
            Attached Files


            • #7
              I just took him back. I cried all the way up there, but since the woman acted like a bitch, even though I was so weak that I was falling over, I could barely talk and couldn't hold the dog, and she charged me $25, I was more pissed off coming back.

              Getting rid of the dog is taking some stress away, and that's what I need. My eyes look so bad that I could have goth makeup on, but now I'm getting sleepy. All of my projects are going too, although I'm keeping my (now) solar-powered crane and my cars, boat and airplane. They may need to tow each other to our new land of plenty, and Tony wants to put in an airstrip.


