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  • dammit

    what sucks is in the last 2 weeks I have been stranded twice. the first time the 82 buick hearse took a shit at midnight and I didn't get home untill 5 am just to get ready for work. The fuel pump is shit. And I had to have it towed.

    Saturday I got hassled by the police for minding my own business in a cemetary at dusk. Apperantly in Georgia it is illegal to be in a graveyard after dark. And even though other people were there I was the one stopped because I didn't look like the fucking soccer women also in the cemetary. They had my car towed and impounded. My grandfathers mint 84 Fury is in a fucking impound and it is more than 200 dollars to get it out. No problem beause money falls out of my ass. The more I try to like cops and be polite the bigger dickheads they become. I fucking hate police offecers that get on a high horse and think they are there to boss you around. the fucking bastards laughed at me beause I had a mile hike to the nearest friends house and hopefully bum a ride. I guess they thought I was far enough away not to hear them.

    Rant over.

  • #2


    • #3
      they can impound your car for being in a cemetery after dark? that seems excessive


      • #4
        Man, that's bitch. Even I have never had anything that stupid happen. Did you get cited for any reason? Legally, they can't impound your car without either having an expired tag, no insurance, or you were cited for a moving violation that makes them void your license.


        • #5
          I was at the front of the cemetary having parked in the back and was walking back to the car with a friend. It was not dark yet but we were leaving because it was getting dark. Then 2 cop cars raced in and toward the back. Everyone started leaving and I was in route to do the same. Then the cops pull behind my car and started shinning their spotlight around. One of them gets in his car and pulls next to us. He gets out and I politely asked if I could help him. He barked get in front of the car!
          Why are you here!?
          I am visiting family, there is a Thomas plot just over there.
          Do you know it is illegal in the State of Georgia to be in a cemetary after dark!?
          No, But I was leaving anyway.
          Then he wanted ID. I was the only one with ID so he starts saying it is Georgia law to have ID on youy at all times.
          Then he starts asking if it is my car, why is it here, where are you from. The car came back as William Thomas, (No shit its my grandfathers). Why are you in someone elses car. Then he said it was not insurred. I said it was let me go search the car for the card. The cop said no!! He said its not in my computer so it is not insurred and it is a jailable offence to drive it. It went on like that to the point where he watched me get my stuff out of the car with his hand on his gun and he searched the trunk. He gave me the wrong name of the wrecker service who towed it so it took me 2 hours of calling every single wrecker service in town and I have to go by the police department and have the car realesed since they put a hold on it. I have a fine and have to prove insurrance. Then I can spend 85 dollars plus 15 dollars a day to get the car out. The fine will be waved since I can prove it is insurred but everything else is on me. I honestly believe that if I did not mencion a frined inb law enforcement and was not super polite I was going to jail. He really had a hard on to lock us up. It made his night to fuck us over. Even when I went to shake his hand after it was all said and done he pulled his away and said to get walking. What a cock sucker!!!! They yelled the whole time and were the ruddest fucking people I have ever delt with.


          • #6
            That blows. I gotta give u props for keepin your cool.

            What cemetery was it? Which police dept was it?


            • #7
              send off letters to all the high rankers all the way to the mayor and put on the letter thats its been CC to all the tv and radio stations ... about what a dick they were ..... just sign it a tax payer and voter and if nothing more it will get some people fired up ..... but you got to send them to everyone so its just not tossed ... someone will start asking about it and its the little something we can do to get them back .....

              here is a fun little sight

              November 2023 EJP Open Investigation Video-Biloxi PD Profiling Complaint


              • #8
                Who has a "mint" 84 fury?


                • #9
                  It belonged to my grandparents. The damn thing is like new and was always garaged. The mileage is also rediculously low. Its an 84 Plymouth Gran Fury. Its not a classic but the damn thing is in exceptional condition for a 2 year old car much less a 23 year old car. Its a keeper.


                  • #10
                    Off topic, but maybe Chace or somebody can tell me what I am watching in his avatar?


                    • #11
                      Good question-I was gona axe the same thing.

                      Still wondering which cemetery 60Buick was in?????


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Double D View Post
                        Off topic, but maybe Chace or somebody can tell me what I am watching in his avatar?

                        That is a scene from a film distributed by Troma called "Beware: Children at Play" in which all the kids in a town become possessed by demons and start killing the adults, and eventually the adults start killing the illustrated here.


                        • #13


                          • #14
                            Don't know the name of it but is down South off I-85 towards Palmetto.

