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Question of man law.

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  • Question of man law.

    This is very important.

    Coworker A and Coworker B are discussing a speeding ticket that A got in his Scion XB. B says 'Can you even get a speeding ticket in a Scion, it's a park bench!'.

    B drives a '98 Camry.

    The question is this, can B talk trash about A's car regarding performance based on man law?
    No - it violates man law.

  • #2
    i think man law is clear about this sort of thing.
    It involves the pot and the kettle concept.
    But there's extenuating circumstances here.
    is coworker b in fact stating the superiority of the Camry over the scion? or has coworker B simply not realized the faux pas and forgotten the Camry's inadequacy.
    When it all comes down to it, coworker b should not have attacked coworker a's car. I believe all of this can be settled with a beer. I find coworker b guilty of suspiciously unmanly behavior and move that coworker b to buy a beer for cowrker a.
    nothing fruity.


    • #3
      a real man shouldnt be driving either car


      • #4
        If the Camry is a 4 cylinder, it has less horsies than the Scion. If the Camry has a 6 cylinder, it's still a Camry.


        • #5
          First off this fella seems to be taking the ford vs chevy approach which is dumb because technically they're BOTH Toyotas!

          I would rely on HP. If the camry has more than I side in his favor, if not then in the Scion's....but in the mind of an outsider not knowing that, I would assume they are both the same and therefore he would have no more room to talk than a Kharmin Ghia owner cracking on a VW bug.


          • #6
            Originally posted by devilman View Post
            a real man shouldnt be driving either car

            I second that. But in all honesty, a man should not drive a vehicle that he does not have ample opertunity to show fellow men and women alike, his manly capabilities of repairing, modifying/ restoring said automobile. That is in fact one of the original man jobs.

            But on the other hand, well shit. NO. If the senario was one man calls another a bitch for driving a camry, but man drives something like a 68 mustang, chevelle, ect, then he not only has the right, but the OBLIGATION to keep the bashing tradition alive. But at any rate, either way, beer should always be a factor no matter what.

            But finally, considering the only senario i have been given, no, they should both keep their mouths shut and sit quietly in shame..........


            • #7
              Same senario 100 years ago - Man 'A' rides a mule and man 'B' rides a donkey... Hell, there both Jackasses for not buying a REAL horse in the first place (proof positive the more things change, the more they stay the same)


              • #8
                i say pour large bags of white rice under and around both cars and walk in and tell them both that their cars are leaking like shit in the parking lot.


                • #9
                  Only 1 way to solve it. Take them to the drag strip.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by BIGEVIL View Post
                    Only 1 way to solve it. Take them to the drag strip.
                    i agree


                    • #11
                      Man Law

                      This situation is equivelent to the makers of airplane food giving shit to the makers of hospital food for a lack of culinary skills.

                      That being said, bagging on a mans car, regardless fo how fruity, it pretty much an open invite to getting punched in the face. Granted, this is Texas.



                      • #12
                        the guy in the camry has some room to talk if said man only drives it as a winter beater or has a few kids and such while as the scion is a metrosexual mode of conveyance no matter what


                        • #13
                          as long as a man has these two cars....he has the full right to talk trash on any other car he wants...because they cannot compare to these two.

                          These are two pieces of the tri-force. Once i get a wide angle maybe i will be able to get my hearse in there too, LOL.


                          • #14
                            you say such things alot bob, i am beginning to think you are "not so comfortible" with your own masculinity.......maybe we should have a man law meeting on this subject.......


                            • #15
                              Time to get technical are dealing with a number of hypothetical situations as several key factors are riddled with factual errors.

                              Error #1 - Neither one are real cars, so the primary question is, can you talk shit about imaginary things? The answer is yes. I can talk shit about hobbits, Jedis, the house of Griffyndor, and the concept that foreign cars, or anything made after the 80's is worth shit as far as an automobile.

                              Newer cars are all pieces of tinfoil shit and no, there isn't an exception. The fact of the matter is they are made using the cheapest production standards available and will not stand the test of time like say a 60's or 70's car.

                              Error #2 - Man law does not apply because clearly neither of the individuals in question are in fact MEN. Men drive real cars, such as Cameros, Mustangs, Novas, Malibus, Chargers, and sometimes hearses (but I only say sometimes because there are a LOT of simpering pussies in this hobby who are the worst examples of men I know of). Men drive cars with at least one body panel covered in primer and many times will feed their car instead of themselves, their girlfriends, or newborn children, etc.

                              Men don't drive shit boxes like Scions (or however you spell it) because "It's better on gas and more reliable than my [insert name of real car sitting unused back at the house]" real men drive their pieces of shit regardless of how highly dangerous and uneconomical they are.

                              So yes, these two marys can talk shit all they want. It's one of those "Hey, your dick up my ass is pretty gay" VS. "Yeah? Well your balls slapping mine while I pump you is pretty gay too!" situations.

