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I'm back

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  • I'm back

    It took me almost a week to restore my laptop after its big fuckup. I told it to hibernate, and I guess it thought it was a bear that was supposed to hibernate all winter.

    Of course, the repair stuff didn't work. I have two Windows XP that came with the laptop, and one driver disk that came with it. Oh, and I also have a DVD with the drivers and aps that I copied from a directory on the laptop when it was new.

    I was ready to just resysgen...hey, the OS installed without even putting in a key, but the setup program on both the factory disk and the one that I made both did the same thing. I ran it and then it wouldn't boot anymore. I had to install one driver at a time, and reboot after each one, and it took a few times to figure out which disk I needed each driver from, and what order to install them in. I would say that I reinstalled the OS 20 times.

    It's functional now. At least I had my diary backed up...that's the one thing that can't be recreated. I've got a ton of work to do, reinstalling crap and setting up my backup solutions, but by next year this time, I should have a good start on it.


  • #2
    wb denise
    oh and nice to meet you

