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I'm becoming a day walker.

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  • I'm becoming a day walker.

    After many many moons of working nights, I got a promotion and I'm now going to be going to days.

    10-7, monday through friday.

    It's been so long since I worked on days and a reasonably normal schedule I don't even know how to do it. Thankfully I can carpool with Cliff and save a metric shit ton on gas and parking (we figured it out and I end up saving almost 300 a month by carpooling and splitting the cost of parking).

    Another added bonus is that I can sleep in the dark, see Nikki for more than 3 days a week, and have normal weekends like a normal person. Working those little bitty 8 hour days after working at least 12 a day for so long is going to be a huge change, but so is 5 days a week instead of 4.


  • #2
    congrats on the promotion, when do the new hours start?


    • #3
      Daywalker or still a bitch.


      • #4
        wahoo,two more months and ill be back on days too, nights do suck though, as much as i like my nights, its a very unaccommodating work schedule


        • #5
          you? a daywalker? no....couldnt be....

          congrats though


          • #6
            Congrads! I am happy for you!


            • #7
              If you're used to working alone or nearly alone at nights and you have to go to days, cubicles, coffee cups and people looking over your shoulder, your life at work will suck. Having some time with your spouse is good, though, is (s)he isn't a truck driver that you won't see anyway.

              -denise (the alone)

