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The best way to commit suicide

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  • The best way to commit suicide

    What is the best way to commit suicide? I want to do it in the hearse because Tony hates it anyway and it will get impounded. I already put down blankets to soak up the blood and bodily fluids.

    I tried putting a gun to my head and I just couldn't bring myself to pull the trigger. I don't even know where on my head to put the barrel to make it painless. I had a friend of a friend who had full-blown AIDS and tried that, ended up in the hospital with his skull put together, and tried to get through the crack with a pencil and finish himself off. Putting it in your mouth doesn't necessarily work, either. You can blow your face off, which wouldn't make any difference to me since I never leave the house anyway, but it would be hard to eat Pop-Tarts without teeth.

    I could swallow a whole bottle of oxycontin and valium, but if I puke it out, I'll just be out of pain medicine.

    Auto accident? I've seen them on COPS walk away from 100 mph or higher collisions, and I might just fuck up my neck more.

    Let the car run in the garage? I don't have any doors on it.

    Nitrous, I could easily do, and it's even enjoyable. You just hallucinate and feel good until you go to sleep, and you don't wake up. I've taken it as far as going into convulsions, until my asshole friend ripped the bag off of my head, but I don't have any nitrous, and you can't use racing stuff. It has to be USP Medical, and the gas house usually won't sell it without a prescription. Sheehan's in Boise used to do it for me, but we only have one gas house here.

    Any other ideas?

    And no, I'm not asking for sympathy, and I don't want to be talked out of it. I used to think that people who talked about suicide just wanted attention, until I lost two friends one year after they talked about it continuously. After just failing it once, I don't think that I could do it again right now, but I would like to have a plan, for the next time I think I can do it.



  • #2
    Hey D,
    Is Tony aware how seriously you want to do this? How about your friends and family? How would you respond to someone close to you if they asked?
    I know you injuries hurt like hell, but is this the right thing to do?


    • #3
      I'll tell you right now a whole bottle of sleeping pills (actually my sons sleeping pills which are adult blood pressure medicine) and half a bottle of won't kill you if they get to you quick enough and they barely did. Ask my husband. He spent the night in the hospital then a week in the institute under suicide watch less than 2 weeks ago.


      • #4
        Is this just a desperate plea for attention?

        You do have my attention, but your posts lately have been troubling. Are you doing anything for depression/bi polar?


        • #5
          Police discover John and Luray Kuca and their 5-year-old in Northeast Portland home» A look into family's world | Map


          • #6

            Hey D,
            Is Tony aware how seriously you want to do this?
            Yes, I told him that I had stacked up a bunch blankets on my chair and was trying to think of the best way to do it. Since his first wife went through a prongleg illnes, he migh have thought htat this was better.

            How about your friends and family?
            I talked to my mom about it, and all she said was that everyone thinkw about suicide every now and then,

            How would you respond to someone close to you if they asked?
            If it were Tony, I would freak becaus our income would go from 3600 to 1200 a year. Anybosy else I dont know, I never kniw wiat I will do in a situation until it happens.

            I know you injuries hurt like hell, but is this the right thing to do?

            Idon;rjo know. It certainly wouold solve a lotof problems.

            this just a desperate plea for attention?
            what, here? I just thought you guyd might be mprbid enough to think of omething.

            This was giood but they should have left the kid out, becaus she wasn't old enough to decide to do that.

            your posts lately have been troubling. Are you doing anything for depression/bi polar
            Oh, of course. There's nothing like another copay when you make $3600 a year.



            • #7
              Look, I know you don't know me and I don't know you. I don't know what is going on, but I genuinely care. In the past I have tried to commit suicide, to many times to count. Many times for attention. All the other times because I just saw no other way out. Even if things weren't that bad, in my eyes they were. Please message me, I would like to talk to you.


              • #8

                That's a killer car!

                I want it!


                • #9

                  I have tried to commit suicide, to many times to count.
                  How were you going to do it?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by VAMP3D
                    That's a killer car!

                    I want it!
                    I've inquired about the hearse, but no response on it yet.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by VAMP3D View Post
                      That's a killer car!

                      I want it!
                      It quietly went up for sale on ebay, i think there was a thread here discussing it.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by spastic_chicken View Post
                        It quietly went up for sale on ebay, i think there was a thread here discussing it.
                        Ebay Item number: 170152564537


                        • #13
                          Look, I know you don't know me and I don't know you. I don't know what is going on, but I genuinely care. In the past I have tried to commit suicide, to many times to count. Many times for attention. All the other times because I just saw no other way out. Even if things weren't that bad, in my eyes they were. Please message me, I would like to talk to you.
                          I'm sorry that I was short with you about this, but I did say that I didn't want to talk to anyone about it, just wanted some suggestions on how to end my life. I thought today was Friday and I had an appointment but I see that it's really Thursday, so I have some time. I'll send you a private message.



                          • #14

                            Look at me!


                            • #15
                              Suicide is never the way to go. It destroys too many other people's lives. Trust me, I know. If you are gonna' do it, make sure everyone you love hates you so it doesn't hurt them as much. That's the least you can do if you're gonna be selfish enough to off yourself. Sorry if that sounds mean, but it is the truth.

