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My new project

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  • My new project

    Probably not what you thought. Somebody was giving this poor, neglected dog away, so I took him. Why in the world somebody would feed their dog until he was about to explode and then never groom him, I don't know. Maybe they treated themselves that way.

    Jenny and I gave him a bath in Pert so he smells nice, and started the grooming job. A lot of his hair was so knotted that it just had to be cut off. It will give me something to do during the day, though, and something that Jenny and I can do together. He's not allowed on the furniture, but we made him a bed out of old blankets. Anybody want to guess what breed he is? He's about the size of a collie...a fat collie.

    He's very well-behaved. He's a little too fat to go through the doggie door (for now), but he'll stand by the patio door until I let him out, and come back in when he's done. He fetches a ball and comes hen he's called. I think that this 5-year-old was a better idea tgan a puppyl
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  • #2
    What a beautiful dog So lucky to have a second chance with you. Look forward to more piks.


    • #3
      not sure. he actualt looks a lot like my dog, but a little fat. my dog is a border collie mix....we think mixed with some sort of terrior. that head throws me off though.


      • #4
        Awesome find Denise, hope it works out well in the long run.


        • #5
          This one is supposed to be a border collie mix. Jenny and I have cut enough hair from him to knit a sweater. I just need to finish cutting his chin and around his ears, and put him on a diet. He can't fit through the doggie door.



          • #6
            Definately looks like a Border/Farmyard Collie mix. Great find! I know he will be happy.


            • #7
              Australian Shepard/border collie and spaniel


              • #8
                Looks like he's gonna have a good home! My wife and I always adopt dogs instead of buying certified ones. They always seem to appreciate you more when you take them in. And of course mixed breeds(muts) always make the best animals


                • #9
                  I know that there are some dogs that need to be purebred, like bloodhounds, police dog shepherds, and heelers, but since I don't need a dog for any purpose other than to keep me company, I always just adopt a mutt who wouldn't have a home otherwise. The PO had another dog already and couldn't keep two. He was giving this one away for someone else, and I think the poor thing misses not having another dog around. After a week or so in his new home, he should be fine.


