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43 million?

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  • 43 million?

    I keeo hearing about this health care "crisis" because 43 million people don't have healthe insurance. Let me makt the following points:

    1.) It ain't all it's cracked to be. You just about have to have an open wound or a head split open before a "specialist" will admit that there is a problem with you.

    2.) How many of these 43 million are here illegally?

    3.) How many are old and/or in chronic pain and would just as soon have a morphine drip and never wake up, but aren't alowed that? No, not me, Shelly, you sweetheart, but write and tell me how you're doing if you haven't already. I don't get on the computer too often because my doctor did something to screw up my shoulders the other day and I can barely lift it. (put that one under #5, I guess)

    4.) How many of the ones that do have health insurance have HMOs, where the shareholders decided whether you live or die.

    5.) I have never had any procedure paid for by heallth insurance which seems to have done me more good than harm in the long run.

    How much of this is bullshit hype? Another heads/tails issue to line up 180 degrees out of phase with your tax day.