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Yeilding to a funeral...

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  • Yeilding to a funeral...

    I should know this, but thought I'd take it to the board.
    On a divided four lane highway, when a funeral procession passes in the opposite direction, do you have to pull over and yeild to them?
    Driving home yesterday afternoon, a large funeral procession was heading south outta' Tulsa.......I noticed the traffic begin to slow in my northbound lane, several folks pulled over, and the nimrod in front of me stopped right there on the highway.....

  • #2
    I know for buses you dont have to if its divided, and I think the same for emergency vehicles. If its divided by concrete or grass or whatever you dont have too. It may have just been outta respect........or stupidity. I pull over regardless outta respect for the funeral.


    • #3
      I always try to pull over as long as there is no danger, but I think many states are doing away with it, due to safety hazards.


      • #4
        I pull over and stop just to be a pain in the ass.



        • #5
          According to the Oklahoma Highway Patrol, no you don't have to pull over on a divided highway. You can out of respect, but only if you are not in danger of blocking traffic or causing an accident. The only reason to pull over on a divided highway is if they are traveling your way.....this goes for all emergency vehicles.


          • #6
            Yep, thats always been been my shoulda' seen it though, it looked like a dirt track race where the leader had spun out, and everyone behind him was tryin' to miss him......dumbasses!


            • #7
              I'm sure the laws differ from state to state. Most people I see pulling over do it because they knew the person or they needed to say a hail mary right there.

              Best things to not do are cut them off, beat them to an intersection, or cut into one.


              • #8
                Last time I was home, driving the car back home, I pulled over for a funeral procession heading the opposite way. Cops waved, Hearse Driver waved, everyone else just stared in disbelief. Felt a tad bit awkward!


                • #9
                  Why would you pull over on a divided highway? Divided highways are designed so that traffic movement is interupted as seldom as possible.


                  • #10
                    Forgot to mention that, my incident was not on a divided highway, just a one lane road.


                    • #11
                      Rule is....
                      Doesn't matter what the law is - just be ready to do whatever the moron in front of you does

