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  • #31
    Now it looks to me like its already set up that way I'm not sure what people are talking about. I mean what more can they want, its already divided up into whats safe and whats not. Sounds to me like whoever is complaining feels the need to make everyone elses life hell cuz their's sucks so bad already.


    • #32
      Damn, I go on vacation a couple weeks and you people screw everything up.
      Seriously, I agree with jlprigmore… the board has all it needs and with a little common sense in posting, we can go far. I’ve made my feeling about this board known in the past. As a fairly new member (around last June, I think), you all made me feel very welcome and at ease in a way I felt I could be myself.
      The Tomb” is a great place to ‘hand out’
      Picture Post” has some great looking cars, faces to go with some of the names here, pics of decorations, pets, etc….stuff you need to really get to know a person.
      Ebay finds” is really cool for, well, finds that interest a bunch of society misfits like us.
      Technical” is just that. A place to talk about the latest problem in getting your Coach down the road
      Not Safe For Work” Should be self explanatory… However, maybe the underline description could use a bit of clarification, like “lewd and questionable content that is beyond what should be viewed at work, around children, or persons easily offended”

      Then you have the NHAA section which looks to be basically for local club info (which, BTW, I’m hoping my club gets big enough some day to have a spot :-))
      There… everything you need, just add some common sense.
      THEN, if a newbe comes across something that doesn’t sit right with them, We’re sorry (just don’t let the door hit ya on the ass on your way out.)

      Just 1 last thing - no matter HOW hard you try, you can't please everyone

      ok, 2 things - Mistakes will happen. If a post does get loose, a friendly reminder couldn't hurt, but a knife to the neck is very messy.


      • #33
        I'm good with whatever you decide.

        Myself, I haven't really been "offended" by anything I have read on this board. There is this great thing called freedom of choice. If I find something within a thread on any forum that doesn't sit well with me, I click on the back button and move along. (the 2 girls one cup thing comes to mind, man I wish I could surgically remove that image from my brain , or now that I think about it, I'm not sure which was worse that or the "rick rolled" thing. )

        Actually, the only thing I can even think of that was even a remote problem for me was during some of the signature themes there were some NWS images making there way into the regular forums. While this was not a problem for me personally, I do spend some time looking through the threads at work. If I had clicked on some of the threads then and a superior had noticed, I might have gotten written up.


        • #34
          I personally have the benefit of working for a webhosting company - and part of our customer base host 'adult natured' sites, so looking at half/fully nekkid women isn't a big deal - so I don't do anything about it on my machine.

          As a few folks discovered during our random signature months that the content was too strong for them to look at while they are work, you can turn off signatures in the 'user cp'. We also do ask that out of courtesy any post that will have things that would not be safe for your average look at work, please put NWS of NSFW in the title.

          What we are going to be doing is not sensoring or changing squat (ok, we are adding a new forum) - just moving the forums around a little, so that a 'general procar talk' is at the top, then the member clubs, then a section called 'the garage' where we will have the technical forum, classifieds, ebay finds, and current projects - then we'll move the Embalming Room to the bottom - which will have the Tomb, Picture Post and NWS.

          Posting just hearse pics will be done in the 'general procar' area (might add a Procar Pictures forum in there as well, but we'll see).

          I imagine most newcomers will spend some time in the general procar area - quickly discover how perfect the tomb is for general 'no holds barred' bullshitting and then spend 90% of their time in there.


          • #35


            • #36
              Originally posted by EternalCombustion View Post
              If I find something within a thread on any forum that doesn't sit well with me, I click on the back button and move along.
              Thats my problem with the other forum. There was a post in which someone asked a question about embalming. I know nothing about ambalming but was interested in the conversation. The post was removed almost immediately due to complaints among the members saying the question wasn't "professional", and they don't like giving out "trade secrets". That brought up the discussion of possible censorship of stuff on the board. I can hit the back button when I see something I don't like (I never do, I Have a thick skin), but they can't, so I have to put up with filtered content.

              Censorship sucks, period.


              • #37
                I've rearranged and added 2 new forums - let me know what you guys think.


                • #38
                  No one here wants censorship. The Tomb, picture post, and NWS areas will remain as they have been, so keep posting the crazy shit there.

                  There will be a slight shuffling of the other areas and a couple new "safe and clean" forums for light skinned peoples....and no I don't mean it's for whites only.


                  • #39
                    I like it this way. Nice job guys.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by LMS View Post
                      couple new "safe and clean" forums for light skinned peoples


                      • #41
                        I ma good with anything...I like everyone...well except emo kids and shriners...


                        • #42
                          Since I don't go over there anymore and waste my time with them...what are these new rules over there?


                          • #43
                            Wow, I'm speechless! Guess it pays off to make a few suggestions after all! I post a few suggestions over there about how I think things could be better (you know, OPINIONS), and suddenly I'm like a girl trying to change the he-man woman haters club. I post a couple suggestions over here, and a day later they're actually changed!

                            Kudo's to you guys for noticing a need in the pro-car community and taking the steps to satisfy it. Hopefully your long term members will accept the changes too, since nothing has really changed, just moved around a bit to be more appealing to more people. If it stays like this I wouldn't have a problem referring anyone here.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Bob Kinee View Post
                              Since I don't go over there anymore and waste my time with them...what are these new rules over there?
                              If you're referering to the PCS forum, basically what they have decided to do is make almost everything pay-per-view or pay-to post. Here is how it breaks down:

                              The general discussion forum is still free for all to read and post.

                              The tech section is free to read, but you must be a paying member to post.

                              The new classified section and ebay/craigslist section is for paying members only. You must pay to either read or post there.

                              I think everything else is the same.

                              The point Zach and I tried to make to them was twofold:

                              1. For a new, non paying member coming in they would have no idea what the paid sections had to offer until they paid.

                              2. For weekend enthusiasts like myself, we are no longer able to participate in tech discussions, post things for sale or view/discuss things for sale unless we have paid.

                              I tried to make the point to them that basically people don't like to pay for something when they don't know what they are getting, and people who are not hardcore enthusiasts aren't necessarily going to pay for a hobby site if they are already paying for other sites related to hobbies that they are more into, but they still might like to take time to contribute, which would be in the best interest of the hobby in general.

                              After reading through the whole thread it looked to me as if noone even read my posts, much less took any of the suggestions under consideration. Maybe I don't get it because I know what I was trying to say, but others didn't understand it. I thought I was pretty clear in what I was trying to say, but all I got in return was a bunch of negativity, so I decided to leave. This of course made me a whiner. Oh well. I hav a feeling I will be able to get exactly what I am looking for over here, and be able to contribute without feeling guilty that I have a picture of an ambulance on air bags in my signature.

                              I sort of feel sorry for Dean (the administrator over there) though. I don't know what anyone elses dealings with him have been like, and I have never met him in person, but he at least seemed genuinely concerned with my opinions and suggestions. I read through a lot of his older posts, and I think he's geeting close to being fed up with the whole deal. Time will tell I guess.


                              • #45
                                Dean is a good dude - but it's not 'his' website and has to conform to the will of the committee or the membership.

                                We don't necessarily have a committee (we have the original unholy trifecta, but no committee) it's pretty much member run around here. That's why the overt lack of hard and fast rules. I pay for the server, so we don't collect money for any upkeep, and we do 99% of everything through volunteers, so we have no need to offer benefits of paid membership.

